my work sucks more

so i fuckin wake up at 6:10 get ready head to work. get to work at 6:45 punch in … and start doin my paper work. the one fuckin asshole that i work with asks me “you fillin in for someone?”

me"nope scheduled"
him “check the schedule”
me"that muther fucker fuckin changed the fuckin schedule fuck him"

then i check it deeper… the fuckin boss whiteouted my name and filled in the assholes name… must have done this sunday after i looked at the schedule saturday. and now i have to work 3-10 tonight… after being up at 6:10 im fuckin goin back to sleep. fuck weavertown towing.

then proceeded to leave a 150’ burnout out of the AAA building on 51.

fuck my work… and fuck the peoplei work with.


:hsugh: :hsdance:

I went into work for midnight a few weeks ago…When I pulled in, I saw the other midnight girl’s car parked outside. I checked my schedule, I was supposed to be there. I go inside, to find out that they asked the other girl to work because a new girl needed trained. So I drove a half hour there, and another half hour home, on top of ruining my day. I ended up getting paid for the whole 8 hour shift I missed though.

If I didnt get paid what I got paid at my job I would be pretty pissed. I actually do door to door collections for the cable company. And when theres not enough collections i have to go door to door sales… now that really is no fun :frowning:

i write my own schedule


in both jobs i have. but one of these jobs doesnt start until monday, i do have today and tomorrow off paid from the job i am leaving though

my dad drove a fuel truck for them out of cecil, he couldn’t stand weg. that job didn’t last a year.

your car does burnouts?

wait weavertown towing?! I work for optimal

i work for optimal. u dont have to climb the smoke stacks and stay there for 14 hours at a time.

I have to deal with irrate PC users… The bad thing is they are irrate because they have no clue what they are doing… but it is all IT’s fault. Then these irrate users call and get some one in India and become even more irrate because not only do they have no clue what they are doing but now they can’t understand the person trying to help them…

what do you do where?
I know im tired of the indians that try to help me with:

I am Helpdesk at Kennametal… We hired some Indians to help at night and our boss keeps scheduling them during the day and our users are getting pissed off.

yeah all ls1s do except the ones that dont get driven:)

ahhh so thats how it works…hey you guys should go to the autox lessons on sat at NP.

I would but the cam install is tearing a big ass hole in my pocket

it is 20 bucks!!!

jsadlkh gaslkgasldkhla

i swear you told me 200 last time i asked you

then proceeded to leave a 150’ burnout out of the AAA building on 51.

Now u ruined it for my in garage burnout:fart:

20 for auto X and 180 for road racing…trust me it is the best 20 american you will ever spend