I finally went to a drag strip!

Last time I was there I was running 8.84 at 79mph

If you were spinning them off the line, that would explain the higher trap.

I saw you make about 20 runs, you definitly got better as the day went on. You picked the perfect day to go as a first timer. Lancaster has a very slight uphill grade to it, NYIRP is flat. Usually when people get their timeslips at NYI, the 1/8th mile splt is a touch faster than at Lancaster. The top-10 list you are referring too isn’t too accurate. Most people haven’t updated their slips (ie:last years numbers), some are outright lying, and the majority of the cars haven’t posted their times in there. Your 7.77 would put you in some very fast company no doubt. I would guesstimate that there are AT LEAST 10 street cars in here that run the 1/8th in the 6 second zone, and maybe 1 or 2 in the high 5’s.

very nice :tup: gotta hit up NYIRP now

I remember my first time racing at a strip… I was nervous as I didnt want to screw up or anything and embaris myself (like you said, sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the light to drop and getting everything right), but its a hell of an adreneline rush

I also met some cool spectators and racers that gave advice to the newbie.
Hello Estorvito.:wave:

Here is my lowest ET slip…
Reaction — .9140
60 ft — 1.6929
300 ft — 5.0149
ET @ 594 FT – 7.2681
1/8 ET — 7.7728
1/8 MPH — 89.15

My best Reaction was .6669
I also had a .6770 and I hit 90.93 but my time was 8.2349!:gotme:

:tup: To Lancaster and a fun time.

Edit: I was driving the Evolution.

Hey there…
I remember ^^ that run… Lucky 7’s
That car fucking moves.:headbang:

I took like 20 pictures of that beast.
Nice meeting yA.:beer:

Nope Vert.Hey GM make a z-06 Vert will ya!!!If Im spending that kind of $$$ I don’t want a rof.LOL.I think a stock 06 will only do like 8.2’s or so.Lnd Misl wants me to put some direct port NOS on it tho.something like 8 shots or 1 for each injector.Then headers, as exhaust does very little for a fairly stock 06.Then a tune and done.

lol @ 1.6 60’

nice job man, now stop eating all those cheeseburgers and drop some weight so you go faster.

oh yeah, take the baby seat out of the back


I just got back from lunch and read this post.
Guess what I had for lunch?:lol: :lol: :lol:
I definatley could lose a few lbs, ok more than a few.:biglaugh:
I moved the baby seat to the A4, she didn’t like the noise and fumes.:biglaugh:

Nice meeting you too.
I would have washed it if I had known it would be in pictures.:biglaugh:


Reaction — .9140
60 ft — 1.6929

Is it safe to ass-u-me that the 1.6929 60ft time does not include the .9140 time it took to get going?
In other words the 60 ft is just the time I was moving, not the start of the run.
Otherwise it would mean I went 60ft in .7789 seconds!
Did it take .9140 + 1.6929 = 2.6069 seconds from the light time?

the 60’ is just the time from when you started moving

it does not include the reaction time.

^ Gotcha, that makes more sense.

The reaction time is not included in the run. The run starts when you cross the start line. You can have a 9999.999999999 reaction time and you would still have the same results… Cool eh?

fucking howie…

OK, what about the final number?
Did it actually take me 8.686 seconds?

On a couple starts I was not at the right rpm. Should I have waited until I was ready?
Sorry for the newbie questions.:biglaugh:

Unless your bracket racing reaction time really has no effect…In your case you should have just waited…

Since it was test/tune your really only racing your self…


On TV when they race do they take the total time including the reaction time?
Sorry again for all the newbie questions.

:tup: cool

On TV it’s usually a heads up pro-tree. After you pre-stage and stage, the starter pushes the button and all 3 amber bulbs light, then .400 seconds later the green light goes on. First one to the finish line wins on that format.
The E.T. that is displayed, is simply the amount of time it took for you to cover the distance. The reaction time on the slip is how quickly you started the E.T. clocks after the last yellow bulb lit. When you ran yesterday, it went yellow, yellow, yellow , green. There was exactly a .500 second gap between each lit bulb. On the last yellow the reaction time clock starts, so hypothetically if you were to cut a .500 light,that means your car was moving and tripped the E.T. clocks exactly when the green bulb lit. It’s very hard to be consistent with r/t’s with a manual car.

if you are just learning how to drag, its best to take your time at the lights. Don’t worry about having a bad reaction time, you can work on that later. Get your launch consistant to where you don’t have to think about it too hard. Your ET, and trap are not affected by your reaction time. Then once you have the launch down, start working on the timing of a good reaction time. The staging window is big enough that you can shallow stage (pull far enough forward to just trip the “stage” lights, or you can deep stage (pull forward enough to hit the “stage” lights then a little more where you are almost crossing the line, but not enough to turn the lights out. You can use these techniques to help get your r/t down towards .500. I like to shallow stage and leave early. Other people like to deep stage and leave later. Its all personal preference and how fast the car jumps off the line too. Its addicting and I’m sure you’ll be at the track a lot now.