I guess he was 7th...


lol listen to his voice

sounds like puberty

what afaggot



he got bumped to last for pointing at that womon that looks like a child molester ?

was pretty stupid of him to pass on pacelaps tho … especialy considering that the slowest people at the back of the pack would be easiest to pass during the race

i donno if i would have even bothered to go out at the end of the pack, it would have just pissed me off to no end for weeks to come


Oooo, 63 pace lap passes… what a tool.



that was sweet. If he was smart… he would have waited @ the finish line for 6 cars to pass… then he could have started in 7th.

I think thats where he said he should be.

She was a bitch.

fookin ole ladees, pretty sweet vid tho