I guess I'll make this public....(very serious post).

Thanks Wayne. :rofl

Oh hai n!cole?

American guys go through girls like cars, try to get them as “new” as possible, drive them hard at first and trade them in once they require any work.

With that said, I only go after cars I want and try to hold on to them for as long as possible.

Me and Dj - allstargraphics think alike.

And me. But I add marriage to the list of requirements. lol.

add me as well

Ok… scenario time, so you’ve dated this girl for madddd long and you love her and all that stuff. So you marry her because your a huge vagina and won’t have sex before marriage. Then on the wedding night, you carry her up to the room and throw her on the bed. You’ve already blown your first load, so now your waiting to regroup. So you take off her clothes and theirs this smell, its nothing like you’ve ever smelled before and its coming from her pussy. Since you never got in her pants you never knew about it, but its so bad that you can’t even keep a boner. What do you do then?

make the bitch suck it, roll over and get the marriage anulled in the AM.

Travis, don’t speak. You already have AIDS. Guaranteed.

Im thinking Vlad brought massive traffic between the fo-hawk and TT. Vlad , are you a master marketer?

TurboTravis, just like smoking and cancer… when you test clean, don’t smoke as much or as often, but thoroughly enjoy a really good smoke periodically.


Marriage is NOT for me, I dunno why BUT it seems to me every friggen girl I have ever dated once you start getting settled down turn into some wackjob, I will just have a really good friend, easier to stop the bullshit quick

Guess this is a good a place as ever to get something off my chest too.

So, I found out last week my girlfriend has cancer. She started smoking when she was 14 (she would be 23 now). The doctor said she only had about 3 months to live. She cried for a few days and I didn’t know how to handle the situation, so I stopped answering her calls. I know it’s a horrible thing to do to someone, but I really couldn’t deal with the emotions.

I found out today that she took her own life with sleeping pills. They tried to pump her stomach but it was too late.

I went to the hospital and it was very depressing and difficult to be around her family. Her mom blames me for her death. I went by my parents’ house to escape and hopefully get some advice on what to do. My mom told me that I was moving in with my aunt and uncle in Bel-Air.

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said “Fresh” and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought naw forget it, yo home to Bel-Air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabby “Yo, holmes smell you later!” Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-Air!

you know its true. U love the D


im addicted to sex too I just keep it between me and my girl

whats not addicting about sex?

Sex is extremly addicting, what is better than a feeling of euphoria without taking anything? Nothing. But being able to control your sex drive is a good trait to have.

Generations and generations before me have made out just fine. I’m sure I’ll be okay. No need to dream up scenarios.


haha you fuckin suck

If you say so.