I guess you can get arrested for anything these days...

Oh sure, it’s a bunch of worthless horse shit no doubt.

I’m just saying it probably didn’t quite go down as “I just spilled some salt on this fine public defender’s burger. I checked with several other employees and was told to give it to him anyways. I was just following orders. I even ate one myself so that I could sympathize with this poor civil servant’s plight.”

It was probably something more akin to “Yeah I tossed some salt on your burger. Whatchu gonna do big man?”

“I’m gonna punchasize your face for free!”


But have you ever gone back to Mcdonalds after recieveing less than outstanding service and taken an employee outside and beraided(sp) them? sure you may bitch at a manager an get a free burger or whatever but to yell at a burger flipper and arrest them seems a bit much??


Well, it says he got sick after eating less than half of it. For all we know it may turn out like those fast food kids from Rochester a few years back who were putting oven cleaner in the food. Or maybe he’s just an asshole power tripping cop. The only thing we know for sure is we don’t have all the facts.

But I love watching people rush to judgement off a one sided story on the news. Guess the Duke rape trial taught us a lot.

She was probably black.

If a kitchen employee tells a shift manager “Hey, I just spilled 3 lbs of seasoning onto this meat, what should I do”

I’m willing to bet that the proper response is NOT “Shake it off and serve it”.

If that were the case, McD’s would not be worth what it it is. It is a corporate restaurant chain, they have ALOT of standards and procedures.

In the world outside of the internet, the answer would be to dispose of the meat, clean the grill, cook & serve new meat. Count the salty slabs as “waste” on the nightly balance sheet.

But then again, the internet says that three seasoned employees would happily serve it to people and risk complaints, refunds, exchanges, arrest, and reduced sales numbers. Duh.


But then again, the internet says that three seasoned employees would happily serve it to people and risk complaints, refunds, exchanges, arrest, and reduced sales numbers. Duh.


Service time/stats talk when it’s time for promotion, and the likelyhood of someone complaining to anyone in a position to do anything are slim to none. It’s amazing what they would do for a second or two on drive-through time.


Come on…Misdemeanor charges for salting food? So the cop :crap: once or twice…I am sure he will be fine.


I didn’t say that I thought it was right!! I think its a bunch of BS,all I said is if they charged one for it then they should have charged them all!!!

i hope when i become i a cop i never turn into an asshole like that…

dont fuck with someone’s mickey d’s, lol.

it would be bad enough if a were a regular citizen, but a cop!!! This Just makes me hate them more.


She was probably black.


I think kevin hit the nail on the head. The ATL area is notable for this.


She was probably black.


Whatever would give you that idea?


I think kevin hit the nail on the head. The ATL area is notable for this.


For blacks? southern drawl Yeah I’ve heard they gots some darkies down there…

A couple of weeks ago I spent a week an hour north of Atlanta. Holy God I could not stand the accent. I swear Barney Fife himself bought me a beer at the hotel bar one night.


A real cop would have waited for her after work and shot her.
Isn’t that what throw aways are for?:gotme:
She looks like a crack addict, no one would have missed her.
She gotz no teef.

She looks like a grouper.