I had a puzzy in my pipe.

are you serious… that cat could have turned around in there no problem they are very very very flexible

I didn’t realize liking animals made me a pussy.


first off, youre a fucking retard. sure, cats are flexible. but there not a goddamn ferret. cats have rib cages, and can NOT bend in half.

I work at an animal hospital, and I think its really fucking sad to see stupid shit like this. the cat was obviously placed in there backwards, and its surely not the only way to get the poor thing out. I’ve pulled cats out of some weird/tight places before, and its never involved diesel exhaust fumes… That cat will prob develop a upper respiratory infection IN THE LEAST.

:tdown: to fucking retards.

it was exposed to the exhaust for all of 2 seconds at most. Big fucking deal. It was humourous to watch.

haha… stupid cat. It’s not like it died or was injured in the least.

How about everyone that thinks this was fine goes and sticks your mouth around a diesel exhaust and let somebody rec the engine.

We’ll have to keep it revved up for like 40 seconds though, to allow for your larger lungs. Don’t worry though, it won’t do anything to you.


How do they kill cattle? Gas 'em?

Doesn’t make it cool. Also, why is it stupid? A second also, why do you think you make a point when you post am emoticon?

No driving a station wagon does.

You sure about their flexibility?


that was gay…
People that do shit like that to animals deserve to be shot…

HAHAHA, you’ve got me there.

  1. I think it does
  2. cos I don’t like cats so I think they’re stupid
  3. cos I’m cooler than you

Becos, becos, becooooooos, the wonderful wizard of OZ!

I fell like I’m typing Bacos, I want some artifical bacon bits NOW.

you drive a DSM, you can’t be cooler than anything. not even dirt.

this video makes me sick, people really have nothing better to do than abuse animals? seriously, go whack off if you’re THAT bored. PATHETIC. :poke:

lol,that was amusing so I went and searched for more…

under a door

Can’t argue with logic like that.

Can’t disagree.

I’m lame to come up with anything, cos I drive a sick wagon. And I’m obviously too busy driving around schools with false offers of lollipops!

Honestly. Everyone needs to realize its a fucking cat. You are the same people who can’t stand to see animals get hurt, but will fucking watch an execution video or a video of someone getting beat up. :bloated:

Get fucking real, the cat is fine and to say thay someone should rev up a desiel engine and put your mouth over the pipe is an exaggeration. How about, we fill up a room with smoke from a diesel engine and you have to stay in it for 1.5 seconds and then run out! :cjerk: