i hate buffalo....


Fucking DING!, we have a winner


i guess i am a winner too…
my story…
right out of college i found a great paying job.65k+ins+car+rent+gas here in buffalo. i got married here, i had my first one here, until now.
after school i found THE job so i was fine.after that i got married looked for housing(purchase) and that was fine affordable. when i first got the baby i started thinking about school…well yes there are great schools like in clarence and amherst but compared to other cities is not good. my parents live in cali so i go there 2 times a year. yes the housing is expensive, but the life style is much higher, they pay you more anyway, and the cost of living(excluding housing)is cheaper.
plus there are more oportunities becuase of being a bigger city…yes,you can look and network,but usually you can get more if they are looking for you…
that’s why i am moving to chicago…