I hate cars......

“Team Blown Rotary” where blown does not mean boosted, welcome aboard

Ouch…I’m sorry Jay. Hope its nothing too serious. Apex Seal? Cracked rotor housing? Gasket? Let’s all hope for something simple.

How are ANY of those SIMPLE?


How are ANY of those SIMPLE?


Ha yeah really, no problem just a bad apex seal


Ha yeah really, no problem just a bad apex seal


well, i mean, it’s not like he messed up a piston or something.

could just be a rod bearing.

my guess was cam shaft

We were talking about how much blowby Jay has at Taffy’s smoke everywhere.

i would be down to rebuilding the motor… ive only tore into a rotary once before… and it was just a 12a

that fucking blows dude. it was nice to see that car in person at the bbq and it sucks it happened right at the beginning of the season.

i remember when xander’s blew up too. i’d never build a rotary to save my life, but i have a lot of respect for anyone who makes big power in one. i’m just as sad about yours as i was about xander’s.

“Compression loss. Most common is apex seal failure, which generally destroys everything in the same common chamber (front or rear) and you wind up with zero compression on one rotor, making it effectively dead weight, while the other rotor remains healthy and functional. You can also have compression loss from a single apex seal breaking or cracking, which decreases compression on 2 of the 3 faces in that chamber. This is a bit harder to diagnose with a piston compression checker or an audible poorman ’s test. Finally you can have a side or cornerseal fail resulting in a smaller loss of compression which will seem more at random than an apex seal failure. You usually only see side and cornerseals fail as a result of improper rebuild/assembly or port work. Compression loss can result in hard starting, a rhythmic cranking sound, sound of an old lawnmower when started, total loss of power, lack of ability to hold a good idle or any idle, severe vibration below 2000rpm, excessive backfiring (due to unburned fuel in the exhaust), erratic or rhythmic vacuum readings, and lack of ability to build much if any boost. Compression loss requires full teardown and rebuild, and very possibly replacement rotorhousings and rotors.”

i have pretty much all of those symptoms


Educate a Wankel noob… what can cause apex or cornerseal failure? Excessive compression or boost?

Sorry to hear F.Dot.

Something to consider when you rebuild it (and you will rebuild it, we have the technology).

Less boost, smaller turbo.


Educate a Wankel noob… what can cause apex or cornerseal failure? Excessive compression or boost?


Pretty much anything that can blow a ring on a piston engine.


Less boost, larger turbo.



ok if the front rotor goes would the rear be slightly behind it as well? in this case wouldnt it be best to replace both so you dont have to worry about the same issue coming up again anytime soon? -FD/ Rotor- noob




then i could be even FURTHER from the efficency range lol no thanks mike :wink:

99civicsi rebuilt his brothers. i’d be down to lend a hand

*Christopher Walken voice: Needs more turbo.


stop crying like a baby. wipe your tears, pull your motor and rebuild it. end of story !


spoken like an experienced veteran