I Hate Cavi Mike @ Brennans Monday 11/02/09


oh, i’m definitely going to this. it’ll be nice to put faces to the douches.

lol ok, this guy sucks

jim bring your camera

so much fail in this thread.

I was in Brennans for the first time last night. Smells like sewer waste in there…

nothing will ever happen, you know this :nono:

Sounds like fun.

:lol: Hey I resemble that! :2fingers:

Freudian slip?

i met cavi mike, i endorse cavi mike

Well I’m still going.

I will try to be there semi early…

I have 24hours to finish certification exam starting at 10am Monday morning…I’m hoping it doesn’t take longer then 9-10 hours.

How ironic, I asked for some random dark beer and it was called Arrogant Bastard.

Guess I can’t deny who I am no matter where I go! Lol


I don’t post here much. So I don’t know who you are. But this thread is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve seen. You joined a forum to act like a faggot. Good for you.

You’re coming out full force today considering how much you normally post. lol :tup:

soooo… how’d it go? royal rumble or what?

what… you’re 30… god at 25 I’m sick of forums… Grow the fuck up

No one showed up. I’m really surprised, actually. I figured a free ticket to blast me to my face would have been a great opportunity but apparently people’s balls only stretch as far as their computer screen. I must really suck at life to be able to scare away people in another city when all someone knows of me is what they see on the web.

o rly