I have a question!!

I am currently leasing an 06 Sentra and I’ve been thinking of modifying her quite a it. My question is…will modifying my vehicle void any warrenty I have or should I wait till my lease is up? I’m fairly new at this and any help would be greatly appreciated!!

what i know it will void it im not sure if they will even let you put stuff on… and id wait till you buy it out.

see that’s what i was thinking but i really wasn’t sure…

well it depends what you do…if you are going to add an intake, we can just take it off. I was told changing suspension will void warrenty

ya…i want to do some major changes…that is seriously disappointing :frowning:

OORRR…you can do a few mods, just have them install it and it doesnt void the warrenty, but dont qoute me on that, just see

but if i have them install it is it going to cost me out the ass??

the mechanics get paid near half of their regular rates on warranty work, so they come bitch at the service advisors. so the service adviosors will do what they can to void warranties.

when you go to the dealership, you can either make friends with the service advisor and he might help you out. or you can yell and scream and make a scene if they refuse your warranty.

my father owns an audi A4, lowered, remapped ECU, 15psi (stock is 10) some small intake and exhaust mods. the dealership honoured his warranty after a healthy dose of both the friendly and the yelling tactics.

argh! This is turning out to be a bigger issue then I imagined and I don’t really want to wait 3.5 yrs till my lease is up. I blame my parents right now for advising me to lease it!!

if you say so…cause i am itching to get started… :stuck_out_tongue:

oh i will sooo kick your ass :stuck_out_tongue: lol…i’m guessing we will have to wait to do the engine swap…which i really don’t mind…since it’s probably going to cost me a pretty penny…but it will be sooo worth it in the end

well that’s not to bad then…

babe…just name the time and the place…i’ll be there :stuck_out_tongue:

why dont you find someone to take over the lease

and buy something out of warrenty that you can do whatever you want to

i would do that…but i love my car…we have a special bond :slight_smile:

let me get this straight u got an 06 sentra and u want to rip out the engien and suspension and not void the warranty just pick up one that was in an accident since u will be replacing a lot things anyway

ya…i know…it would be easier that way…but at the time i bought the car i was not planning on doing anything to her…i liked her the way she was…but a certain someone (who shall remain nameless) started talking about what we could do to make her better…and so now i am stuck in said situation…if i have to wait till my lease is up…then so be it…if i had the money i would just leave her the way she is and buy myself a project car…

OH!!! I found out today that I only have 3 yrs warranty coverage…and I’ve had the car for almost a year and a half…so I won’t have to wait as long as I thought I would!!

Definately…yay…i’m excited again!!