What mods don't void a warranty?

Hey folks. My Altima is only about 4 months old, and since it’s the daily grocery-getter for the family I don’t want to do anything crazy to it (at least yet!) :E but I’m wondering if anyone knows what performance mods can be done that won’t void the warranty?

Obviously comestics like tint and new rims won’t, but any ideas on engine mods? Also, any suggestions on what to do first to bump up the performance a bit (keeping in mind the daily-driver factor)? It’s the 3.5L V6 as you can tell from my sig. I’m thinking there’s gotta be some relatively minor changes (new chip?) to tweak it to the SE-R output.

Well you can do pretty much anything you want… as long as you swap back to factory when you go to get service done :thumb

Its best to call your dealership and ask them because they are the ones that will finally make that call when something goes wrong with the car.

I think if you buy nismo parts for your car it will not void the warrenty. But the first mod you should do on your boat is upgrading the brake system. Then maybe some sway bars.

Sway bars I totally agree with. Compared to the Gen2 Integra I had before, this car rolls around the corners like a damn hippo. The 250hp make me feel a lot better as I’m gassing it on the straights though. :smiley:

Anyone know if any sway bars affect the warranty? I mean, a computer chip I could maybe swap before hitting the dealership, but I’m not going to be taking sway bars and new brakes off the car, just to go get the oil changed.

You would have to have a licenced mechanic/shop/dealership to do the install on any genuine nismo parts for it not to void the warranty. . .

Wait… before you do anything, there’s something you should know. Despite the difference in output, the Altima 3.5SE is actually quicker than the Altima SE-R, stock vs. stock assuming both are manual transmission.

(I own an '05 3.5SE)

Personally I view a modified fuel and ignition map or “chipping” your car to be completely useless in a modern NA vehicle. If you were driving a FI car that has the ability to electronically adjust its own boost levels then there might be a point. Since your car is NA it would just be a ricer bragging point and would likely make 10hp at most. Don’t waste your money. Once you start to do some serious modification to the power plant look into a real engine management system that can be retuned as you make changes. Do the basic bolt first.

Depends on what dealer your car is from. Apparently Mills is mod friendly, whereas Ericksen is the total opposite.

It stands to reason that if your mods are professionally installed, they would have a hard time voiding your warranty for them if they aren’t directly responsible for damage. That said, Nissan USA has been pricks to enthusiasts down there and tried to void warranties for engine failures because of suspension mods.

In the end, if you have a new car and you’re throwing mild mods on it, you probably won’t have any trouble with it anyway.

Since you said you live in NW Calgary give Stadium Nissan a call at 284-4611 they should be able to tell you what you can and cannot do.

Yeah, that’s where I got the car, so that’s who I’d call. I’ve been checking over some of the Nismo parts on the site, and I’ve gotta think that sway bars, coils, things like that couldn’t possibly void anything…

(… but stranger things have happened…)

Hey Doozer, come to the track this friday night and I’ll show you the mods it takes not only void your warranty, but to have them laugh at the thought of even covering you. :smiley:

Truthfuly though, in my experience, if the part you installed had nothign to do with the problem you’re trying to fix under warranty, then you usually have a case… but that won’t stop a dealer frmo being an ass abuot it and giving you a hard time. I’ve never had any issues with the dealers I’ve had. Stadium treats me great and before I was boosted and had the basic I/H/E set up, I had stuff covered under warranty and they never said boo abuot it. I actually had a Nissan dealer install my HS header when I bought it becaue I never had tool/garage at the time.

Don’t forget the difference between S-Tune and R-Tune Nismo parts! R-tune stuff comes with no warranty; R-tune parts are things like headers, cams, CAI, etc.

I was noticing the S vs R on the Nissan website, and wondering if street vs race affected the warranty. Thanks for the info. I think I’d be sticking with S, since it needs to be a year-round driver.

If you are going 19’s check this out http://forums.beyond.ca/showthread.php?s=&threadid=137364 they are being sold by a guy that is on this forum too.

Thanks for the link, but that’s not really the style I’m looking for. I’m thinking of a more multi-spoke design, similar to the Altima SE-R rims, but chrome. Maybe something similar to the stock rims on a BMW M3 even.

Lowered car = Less oil pan and header clearance. = Dented oil pan = Oil pressure issues = Blown engine = No warrenty.

My race car has just over a inch and a half clearance for the oil pan… trust me… it takes a beating.

19 and chrome :vom: :vom: :vom: :vom: :vom: :vom: there goes any performance your car had. And I’m the one with brain damage. What would those wheels weight? Now I really think your first upgrade should be brakes.

Yeah, I’d never thought about the weight of chrome wheels. Like I said, I’m not settled on anything yet, and that’s a big strike against the chrome.

Ok, so I just checked with Stadium Nissan where I got the car, and according to my salesguy and their service department, their position is exactly what Silverboost said:

If the mod didn’t cause the warranty problem that you’re trying to get fixed, then it’s still covered.

So, if a new cold air intake causes problems with the air flow sensor, I’m up shit creek. If I put in a new CAI and the door falls off, it’s covered.

He didn’t say anything about who installs it or the parts that can be used, but he implied that they don’t have to be Nismo parts or dealership-installed, since he admitted they’re quite a bit more expensive than aftermarket suppliers and it might be better to shop around.