I laughed for the first time at a FW: Email

A woman scanned the guests at a party and spotted an attractive man standing alone.

She approached him.

‘My name is Carmen,’ she told him.

‘That’s a beautiful name,’ he replied,

Is it a family name?’

‘No,’ she replied.

'I gave it to myself. It reflects the things I like most – cars and men.

'‘What’s your name?’ She asked.

He said, ‘B J. Titsengolf’



Kinda Dry…

hahahahaha that was pretty good

So is your pussy.

woah Dawn…badass comment.

I just always wanted to say that. Haha.

dawn > the russian.

lol. nice.

more like his g/fs pussy is, seeing as how she won’t sleep with him anymore due to the bumps on his penis

Sorry your vag is dry :mamoru: