I lost to a sl63 *pics*

I was bumpin ‘Jigga What’ as I rolled up next to this little pos. He gave it some gas then let me catch up and looked over. We were going ~70(bad for me but wouldn’t have mattered), so I down shift and he hits it just as I get in gear. I give it a go and sure enough, he pulls about 4 cars and slows down.

I was riding solo, and I don’t have a video camera but I did have my d50 in my front seat, so I snapped a pic after he put a bus on me.


Just to think that he could have had a gt-r, and a brand new STI for what he paid :lol:

He’s all about not-so-quiet luxury :slight_smile:

fucking old nazis and their wanna be luxo supercars.

stupid pussy could’ve been rocking the GTr in race mode and you wouldn’t have even been able to get a picture!!

fucking poser.

One of those was parked in front of Scarlet/Fat Bob’s on Saturday evening, it looked really wide with that new frontend. I didn’t really like the vents in the fender, but still a really badass car.

Good death. :tup:


idiot could have been rocking a nissan and a subaru and he’s stuck in a damn benz.

jealousy is a very stinky cologne gentlemen

sarcasm detector off?



lol… :smiley:

God I love SL and CL AMGs. You should be so lucky as to get raped by one of those.

got beat by a Nazi doh

very nice, love those.

Yeah, I wish he waited for me to finish downshifting and there wasn’t so much traffic, I don’t think it would have been as horrible. :frowning:

Wow you lost to a 4300# car?
It must be because your awd car is heavy.

exactly, and the driver of the sl was fat with his fat passenger. I honestly don’t think it would have been too bad of a race (though, I know I’d still lose) if we started ~40 or lower and I was actually ready to go lol. Ohh well, I take the same way to work everyday, so if I see him again, I’ll get the jump on his fat ass.

mmm that shit is hot

That’s just a SL 63… wait til you see a SL65… see those at work everyday…

I see plenty of them when I go into town.

what a car to lose to…i would take the loss anyday…

Because who would ever want to drive a POS Benz?..

LOL, nice death