I luv my part time job

So i did another repo today! woo hoo!!

I was informed that I will be gettin a rental car and a Plane ticket to florida to pick up another repo in a few weeks!!!

I call that a Paid vacation!!!

can you please get me this job!

that rocks, how’d you pick up that job? and whats the pay like?

How long do you think it’ll be before you get your ass kicked by whoever’s car you’re taking?

x2 :slight_smile:

thats why they’re kind of forced to carry heat. I saw some video of a bunch of repo’s that have gone wrong. Holy Shit you couldn’t pay me enough…

that’s hot


shit, just carry “bear mace” with you “bra” :smiley: /southpark

awesome job. lol

Well a Friend of mine is a Auto finance owner “Kinda like a Bank i guess you’d call it” just he does this out of his house instead.

I was a customer of his when i first met him. And he knew what line of work i do, so he asked if i was interested. I’m like hell yeah!

Pay, well when they tell you that you have to pay $100’s & 100’s of dollars for repo fee’s, well 1.) thats true, and 2.) the repo man gets every red cent of it.

Gettin your ass kicked? Never happened yet. Been surrounded and shit though .“Guess it was close enough” Thats when ya call BPD Dispatch, Not 911 and you’ll have help in less time that it takes to fart!

As with any risky job, ya take with ya something to make sure to make it out alive! My life isn’t worth a car!

Edit: Also I don’t tow em’, I always bring a friend with for backup and so I can just drive it away and I normally split the profit with them 50/50.

Sounds risky, but any job can be. If it’s worth it to you and you keep your head on straight then cool. How do you take the car?

I always get a spare key

how do they do taht with chip keys?

do they actually put out the $100+ to have a key made

but then you still cant program it without the car and an original key present

always wondered how that worked

who ever finances the car 99% of the time will have a key just for that reason i think, at least that what was said on that repo man special on TLC a few months back

I need a job like that.:tup:


Wanna be friends? lol

Does this friend happen to live out in Clarence?

just curious why they would send you to florida, isnt there people down there to do that sort of work, just curious

yes, but then they would have to contract said people, and who knows how much that would cost.

Better to send one of your own repo guys to do the job, and make the call once he’s down there as to what resources he needs. Saves employer $$$$