I made top 50 - Edge 102.1 GONG SHOW

Ok guys,

i just got a message from 102.1 the Edge that i made the top 50 for the Gong show… the video isnt up yet but it will be tomorrow.

what i did:

many of you know i can scream extremely loud. i can also do an extremely loud squealling noise with my throat.

i went the last day of the auditions, there was no one in line so they let me go on… i didnt get on the air i just got taped.

first i screamed extremely loud, but i couldnt hold it very long.

then i did my squeal to the tune of jingle bells but i was kinda nervous and out of practice so i didnt even finish it…

i cant beleive i made it but i have a 1 in 50 shot at winning $50,000

im super busy these next couple days with the wedding and all but i am going to put together a bit of an offer for SON240sx and all the other clubs i am on.

basically i need people to vote for my video. if i win i get $50,000.

if i win it would be because people from here or other clubs voted for me… so naturally i would owe you all something.

basically what i am thinking is i will set aside $10,000 from the purse to do something for everyone… maybe host a big event but i dont think the guys from other parts of the country will benefit so we’ll have to figure something out.

either way… this is crazy… i was already hyper today because i have the wedding rehearsal tonite and tons of stuff to ship but this just added a whole other level of excitement…hahhha

i’ll be watching for the video but if someone can direct link it before i do then do it by all means… i will edit this post and put it in the lead post here.

yes i know this is not car related, but marc… dont move this

gotta roll…




i am pretty embarassed by the video, its not nearly as good as i can do… i pretty much just woke up and took the subway down there to do this on a whim.

i wish i had of screamed longer and you really cant get an appreciation for how loud that crap is.

I’m an inside edge member now…


yea me too ill vote for you

I thought there were eliminations before everyone votes??? Or is it anyone in the top 50 can get a go for the 50K.

Yeah, you (we) vote for it to get into the top 10, then the station choses the winner or maybe it is the wheel… I don’t know the final step. but for sure the top 10 will come into the station again and do another round of the stunts. Some people were saving part of their stunts for the grand finale.

So let me get this straight. We vote… Bing wins 50 G’s… We all get free Multi-link? :wink:

I’ll vote too but you’re gonna owe me something extra binger since you wont be able to say you dont have money to sponsor me anymore :wink:

You got my vote Bing :thumright:

SON to back Bing as his Campaign Team to put the word out… VOTE BING WONG!?!?!? Hah, someone make some online flyers/banners :lol:

bing your girlish sqeals may pay off

i havent heard it yet, but im sure its quite homosexual.

none the less, you’ve got my vote. anything that will make 50,000 dollars is ok in my books.

ps: wheres my manifold

Your homosexual.
Bing screamed in the washroom of a Subway once, the faces on the people making my sandwich was priceless. :lol:


sweet, and to think i was gunna vote for the tobasco sniffer :? . oh well, my vote is yours fo sho. good luck.

where do we vote???

I voted if you win i want something free and deal on things lol ok?

aww too bad it was taped, cause i listen to the gong show every morning at work.

is josie hot in person?

i dont doubt that it was priceless, in fact i would have loved to have been there.

none the less, bing knows he’s gay. he’s so neat.

kidding bing, tty soon buddy

Haha good luck, even though I dont really know you, you got my vote!

Yes, she is very hot! Go to Republik night club on any friday night and you will see her in all her drunken glory!

iono who josie is… there was some chick there that most people would consider attractive… i noticed she had nice teeth… not sure if it was her.

i cant do anything for anyone person because it would be a cumulative effort so i would haev to do something that benefits all… or maybe just send everyone $5.

Moved to Members.

My vote is cast good luck Bing, but deffinitly free multilinks for voters lol