I may have moved beyond Alcoholism

I dont binge drink every night.

Just like 4-5 beers, hardly ever do shots. Some manly mixed drinks or glasses of whiskey or scoth with a cigar from time to time.

Saturdays are get drunk days. This weekend I drank from 3pm to 1am steady. About 16 beers worth. wasn’t sloppy nothing just normal

Yea, and Redbull + Vodka turns me into another animal. I get absolutely crazy.

…and wake up to manny jerking off on your toes

I live in awesome world.

:lol Oh yeah. Im completely different when I drink. I talk to anyone, and sometimes end up gettin mad at someone/something lol.

I have been out of college for 4 years lol.

I just constantly have some dude or chick asking me to go get a drink. Since I hate sitting around home I always oblige. Then once im out i see someone else i know and they want to get a drink.

Maybe I just know to many people

No homo, but you seem like a very quiet person.

I am when I dont know people very well. I open up though. And especially when im drunk :lol

Adam, you don’t know how to be quiet?
I’ve never seen you be quiet or seem socially impaired.

Eh it depends. Sometimes im just not a huge fan of talking/having conversations. Kinda wierd i know lol. But when I get to know people im not as quiet, alot of people are like that.

dude maybe u need people to follow you around with signs on sticks that say


:rofl j/k

Actually, now that I think of it, unless we’re hanging out somewhere our conversations are really awkward - I always say hi, because I don’t want to seem bitchy or like I’m ignoring you, but in reality most of the time I really have nothing to say to you. :lol

Ok then, fuck off nicole :rofl

No, seriously! You know I’m right.
How many times has this gone down: We’re both at the lot, I’m either walking by or getting ready to leave…
Me: Hey Adam.
You: Hey! What’s up?
Me: Nothing, just taking off/saying hi. See ya!


Well then our shitty convos are your fault. Maybe you should pencil me in for some more time! :lol

Hey, pipe down lizard boy!

easy there, hoss

No way lol

I tried that once, someone didn’t remember to put their phone on vibrate before they went out so they knew when someone was calling.