Don’t purchase a Mustang as your only automobile if you have places to be in the winter months.

my mother has a Toyota Rav 4 2010 which I doubt shell mind if I steal it for the winters :smiley:

so I can always use the rav 4 on BAD days during the winter but this winter we didnt really get hit with snow at all

I prefer hooking the shop vac extension tube up to my car’s exhaust in the garage in the morning and taking in a fresh breath of exhausted air before driving to class.

It helps me feel ‘one’ with the car.

You have to be an EXPERT driver to drive a v8 mustang year round.


GTO’s are the best cars for winter

The Sarge is as expert as they come

looks like an old V6 mustang with flat tires lol

stick with new cars if u don’t know shit about them… just my honest opinion… if u cant wrench on your own shit… buy new shit

u drive to NYC often? so your willing to drive a sketchy ass V6 60’s mustang back and fourth to NYC? omg bro… i bet u wouldnt make the round trip …

$400, 120, 75… thats NOTHING at all… your car sounds like shit for being an 07 i agree… but get used to spending money in those numbers on the regular if you want a car 10 years or older…

don’t buy anything but a good daily IO… stop trying to get a cool car because if you think those few repair bills on your 07 is bad…

I just spoke to a friend of mine whose a dealer and he sent me a list of all past auctions and average going prices of cars.

If anyone wants any let me know lol

Average going right for a 99 corvette with 100k miles or so is 11-12 grand in avg-excellent condition

average going rate for 2000 gt mustang coupe is 4000 for a avg-good condition with 70k miles or so.


Im going hopefully sometime soon just to look at prices and maybe I will get a better understanding then.

ps: If I got the 67 mustang I would NOT drive to nyc and back. Ide put 10 grand or so in it make it a v8 with a good 400+ hp and leave it for a few years :smiley:

I think you are another misguided person who thinks more HP= fast. That is not the case what so ever. Just letting you know.

I’m right with you on that. Just thinkin of that old saying “You can’t go fast with 1000hp if you can’t go fast with 100hp” I can drive the hell outta the miata and I love it, even though I have 90hp at the wheels :lol

I’ve said this many many times. Peak numbers on a dyno graph mean nothing, especially manufacturer specs. The area under the curve and getting that power to the ground are what make a difference. You can have fun in any car.

This has disaster written all over it

Young kid
Dads money
doesnt know anything about cars
has never owned a car with more than 170whp
selling dads car to buy a faster car

This wont end well

my advice kid, buy something like a honda or a miata. Something that doesn’t have too much power. Focus on suspension stuff. Lean how to go fast with something that ain’t gonna get you killed not knowing what you’re doing.

Need to sell car in the first place to have a “budget”

Just sayin…


IMO the V6 mustang have now is still fast. Ive hit 136 with it so far (which I know isnt fast) but it cruises well at 110 which is decent for a v6. The 0-60 being ~6 seconds sucks but in upstate ny and nyc that doesnt really matter. Im not a pure racer. Im only trying to get an older 99-04 gt because i like style better. :slight_smile: and it will put more $$ in my pocket…

I figure selling my mustang for 10k and getting an older gt for 4.5k will give me 5.5k on the side AND give me a car that I like lol. isnt that a good trade off?

Do you really think that a 2000gt mustang will cost A LOT in upkeep and repairs? I feel like its still pretty reliable… I feel like my 07 mustang has caused too many problems strictly because of the year it was made.

If I am buying a 2000gt car or a cheaper 5-6 grand car I can afford it out of pocket without selling my car but in order to get a vette or bmw or something I will definitely need to sell my car first but I dont think selling my car should take too long. I feel like 10k is a fair price for my car.

But I dont want to buy a car I dont “like”. I dont want to drive a car that doesnt “look good” such as a miata or something. I prefer something pleasing to look at :smiley:

I still have an open mind for everything though…

I moved here from Turkey for school. I learned to drive a Renault Megane Sport when I was 12 years old.I am NOT a NOOOB driver but I am also agreeably not a PRO driver… But I feel like I can handle a GT mustang quite well. The vette maybe I wont be able to control as well hence why the gt mustang is my first pick :smiley:

but in all honesty, I repeeat many times. Im not buying the GT for the extra horsepower MORESO than I am buying it for the style and body that I like more than the 04-10 version.

Does anyone know how much annual upkeep a 2000gt would cost me roughly if I made it a somewhat daily driver? Like 3-4 days a week. Maybe 1k miles a month or so?

I dont mean gas/insurance. I mean just upkeep from normal wear and mechanical problems

holy quadruple post! there is an edit button ya know