i perfer discover but for you an everyday visa or mastercard will do. look for a low apr and dont get carried away with the credit card debt. always rember its not free money so pay the shit off
and you are young, and probably have little to no credit… so you wont find any with a “low” interest rate.
anywho, i happen to like my bank of america card. i got my hedge trimer with the rewards points just recently. my hedges have never looked better, and for free even.
Yea im in the same boat. I suppose i dont really care about interest as much since i dont plan to buy anything i wont pay off immediatley. I just think i should build some credit as i plan to buy a house in a year. Do i really need to do this when applying for a home loan, cant i just show them i have money in the bank i dont really want a credit card.
Yea im in the same boat. I suppose i dont really care about interest as much since i dont plan to buy anything i wont pay off immediatley. I just think i should build some credit as i plan to buy a house in a year. Do i really need to do this when applying for a home loan, cant i just show them i have like 30k in the bank i dont really want a credit card.
30k cash means very little when you have an overly weak credit score & report.
30k cash + no history is slightly better.
I have never had a credit card so i would immagine i have very little on my credit report. I have had an apt. and bills in my name before but thats it ive never missed payment on anything. Oh and one car loan that was co-signed also never missed payment actually paid it off two years early. Ok give me a link to where i can check my credit score and ill see what it is i really have no idea.
I have never had a credit card so i would immagine i have very little on my credit report. I have had an apt. and bills in my name before but thats it ive never missed payment on anything. Oh and one car loan that was co-signed also never missed payment actually paid it off two years early. Ok give me a link to where i can check my credit score and ill see what it is i really have no idea.
if you call and talk nice to the people at your bank they will tell you your score. just tell them you are interested in a mortgage. that way you don’t have to sign up at some bs website.
I’m guessing that you’ve got no credit history at all, so you’re going to be limited in your choices. What’s your bank? My first credit card was an HSBC Mastercard with a 500 dollar limit. I didn’t look too hard, but I wasn’t able to get a GM Mastercard so I had to start there.
Thats why i was asking for a link everytime i try to check it i get some stupid bs website fuck that crap. Anyhow ugh i dont feel like trying to use a phone here Iraq FTL.
I’m guessing that you’ve got no credit history at all, so you’re going to be limited in your choices. What’s your bank? My first credit card was an HSBC Mastercard with a 500 dollar limit. I didn’t look too hard, but I wasn’t able to get a GM Mastercard so I had to start there.
this is probably the best way to go. see if your bank offers a visa/master card. then ask them about a mortgage and your credit score.
i’m in the same boat, realizing i need to build more credit, and paying off a personal loan and clothing store credit cards probably won’t be sufficient in building a good credit score.
and just from what i’ve heard and learned from working collections for so long…you say you want a credit card “to have around in case of emergency”
a credit card IS THE LAST THING you should want in an emergency…sell something, borrow from a friend/family member, do ANYTHING it takes to stay away from spending money you dont have…
people get the mentality with credit cards “well i need this now, but wont have the money for it til later”
that means YOU CAN’T AFFORD IT…
an emergency will only get worse if you think using a credit card to will bail yourself out.
Thats my issue i have plenty of cash i dont need one so i dont get one. Not that i don trust myself i just dont see the point. Im e-mailing my bank right now to ask them what the deal is.