any help appreciated
no more steam cleaning?
prostitute…when you find a job let me know
very long Retarded story:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
so you are saying you can’t steam clean my car anymore?
i need a job too
seems like we got mostly a unemployment club
yeppers to many unemployed bastards here
you guys are all a drag on society :rolleyes:
hell i was called up to protect sorry ass’s like you…for the army
i need a job
it is easier to find out who has a job
i work at the beer store!!
Originally posted by whitey
i work at the beer store!!
:bowdown: :bowdown:
i want a good job …more money=car go faster
need a job:(
wtf happened frizz?
Originally posted by FRIZZA
need a job:(
ill keep a look out for you guys!
are human resources is allways comming accross govt jobs!
got sick of dealing with clients and all their bithching and moaning 60 hour workweeks and wearing a suit…now I need to start doing it again, because I am poor and I want to build up the engine to hold more boost!!
2fnfast—maybe you could get me a govt job like the CIA? or secret service?