I need a lawyer for City of Rochester traffic court

Yeah, I know they don’t reduce but I can’t fucking get up there.


hmm. whatd you do? when were you in rochester?

They do absentee things. I have one I sent in but I hope I didnt screw myself. I asked for a reduced charge.

PM mpd47 and/or dmoffitt. I can’t remember the dude’s name, but there’s a great lawyer in Rochester that practically everyone we know has used. :tup:


why am I blanking on the guys name… I used him with great success (not in the city)… I did have a friend use him in the city and it was a total waste of money, he paid full ticket price, plus court, plus attorney. The city does not like having their time wasted.

it’s a waste of time to do anything but plead guilty unless you have a real legit reason to fight.

I even dug through my old pm’s on roclife and I apparently deleted his contact info… fffffuuuuuu…

I think it was Jim. Not sure why. I’ll check roclife too…

Jim Napier.


yes, good find.


Rob/Jim pretty much kick ass.

ask my wife

I just found out that I beat my failure to obey traffic control device.

I changed the date 2 times and it got pushed back 3 months. Submitted the plea in lieu of appearance since I work in Buffalo even tho my license is a Rochester address. Called Friday and found out that the case was dismissed since the cop never showed up.