Rochester guys v city tickets

On top of everything, I managed to get a Disobeyed Traffic Control Device ticket in the city of rochester for going right at a light that you are not allowed do so during certain times.

The officer circled other violation and crossed out the + $fifty something after the $40 fine.

I did research and found that its a moving violation and 2 points on my license. Is this something that I should just pay $40 and can not plea down to a non moving violation or can I plea it down and pay a little more and avoid the points?

My license is clean but I am not sure if you can plea city tickets down. Also, any one know if you can do it through the mail?

always worth a shot to plea it down.

In the city you don’t get to talk to a DA to try and plead it down (I THINK). I got an inspection ticket while driving to the inspection station, and I wanted to go in and talk to the DA about getting the fine reduced, and I remember not ever getting a chance to talk to the DA. They herded us into the courtroom and then just called us up one by one.

No it is not.

City of Rochester doesn’t plea baragin. Pay the fine , do not pass go.

I am going to call. If its just $40 and no surcharge I might say fuck it nad take the points. Thanks for the tip Maksim2000

Here’s some info on TVBs

If anyone is interested, I got off the phone with the traffic agency in rochester. I am able to submit my affidavit in lieu of appearance in Rochester.

The ticket I have has the violation circled and has $40 + $50. The officer scribbled off the $50 and wrote $60 and apparently according to the lady, there is an additional $20 charge on the ticket that isnt on this “older” version so I am glad I called.

good info! thanks.

This is correct, the city of Rochester doesn’t give you the plea bargaining option. When I went last June I was fortunate and the officer who wrote my ticket didn’t show and my case was dismissed.

So what can I expect when I try to fight it? Are you saying that asking for it to be reduced is not gonna happen and I am just gonna get convicted of the charge and be forced to pay it anyways unlike how town courts offer you a parking ticket and other non moving violations?

you can expect to go before a real judge like like if you had a serious crime… and he’s not going to be happy that you’re wasting his time. game over in the city.

I had a friend try even with an attorney and the judge was like “wtf is this shit, I have real cases to try”

Yeah, you wont get a chance to try and plea it down. You go directly before the judge who either finds you guilty or not guilty of what you were charged with.

PM me with the officers name if you would. I have about a dozen Rochester city cop friends.