I need a new bank v. Online check register

I am currently with HSBC and I have never had any problems. But today I receive a message stating that they are getting rid of the online check register in a month.

Anyone know of a bank that offers online check registers?

(for anyone who doesnt know what an online check register is: say you purchase something for 10 bucks. You go home and enter it to the register and when it clears the item shows as such. Its great because sometimes checks take forever to clear and its a really efficient way to see exactly how much money I have.)

ugh I am going to be pissed if i cant find one. afaik ESL, M&T, chase, and BofA dont have it.

Stop writing checks.

checkcard ftw…

I haven’t write checks in years. Just use the online banking to pay for all my stuffs. It’s easy to manage and you can scheduled payments and such.

yeah, stop living in the 90s.

checkcards ftw for sure.

Get a back with some type of online BillPay service. They send checks for you.

wait, people still write checks? my mom doesnt even write checks anymore

No clue, and good luck finding that. Never seen or heard of it before.

As for checks… The only time I ever write a check anymore is for Drs co-pays.

I use a simple Excel Spreadsheet to track my checkbook/accounts; works great for me.

woa. I never said anything about checks. I write about 2 checks a month. one for rent and one for my storage unit.

I am talking about keeping track of what you buy over all, not an excel sheet because it would show it clears as it does online. some things take 4-5 days to show up and i am poor so its nice to know exactly how much I have left.

Bank Of America has stepped up their game with their online banking, added all sorts of notes and info on transactions. like for example restaurants who offer tip on the receipt it’ll have a note under the pending transaction that : Amount may change - waiting for final amount from merchant, which is handy.


If you don’t write checks and can’t keep track of it, then stop being so fucking poor. Everything posts within 24 hrs to my BoA account, if you’re worried about overdrafting you need to overhaul your money management skills, not find an online check register.

lol my bad. checks, transactions, close enough. its just nice to know I guess. I have never bounced anything… I am looking for a bank that offers it, not financial advice. :slight_smile:

I ordered like 500 checks when I opened my bank account like…7 years ago. If I’ve used 10 that would be a shitload. Online banking/billing ftw.

I went from M&T to bank of America. Way better there I suggest it. say I recommend you I think we both get like $50 or something.

ha. Ill definitely do that if I go to bofa

Bank of America has the best online banking I’ve used.

I use bank of america, because when I travel there is usually an ATM close by…

I started using ALLY for my money market savings, they offer free atm use anywhere, and free checks. They used to be called GMAC bank before they were “rebranded”…

I use online bill pay from bank of america, I probably write two checks per year now. Usually to contractors…

I am with wachovia, and they always show adjusted available balance IMMEDIATELY whenever a charge is made.

so basically, no one knows of a bank that offers the ability to do this?


try citizens? their online is pretty good. all transactions post immediately. and shows actual balance and available balance