I need a new job

Yeah we’re still making money but we are cutting costs like crazy. Ex: No more computer purchases, no more phasing out of old PC’s and replacing with newer models, etc.

I was 18. I actually didn’t even apply for an IT job. I just applied to do paperwork. But the HR person saw my computer experience and sent me to the IS division and at that point, I knew I had a shot, so I interviewed extremely well over the course of the 4 interviews and sealed the deal.

I was just looking for a paper pusher job for $7/hr. I didn’t think I’d get lucky and nail this kind of job at the age of 18.

Now, if I had to apply somewhere else, I’d obviously do it the correct way with a cover letter, follow up, etc. That’s because I have the experience, confidences, and credentials to back it up. I figured there was no way in hell they’d give an 18yr old kid a job that some college kids can’t even get (kid I was interviewing against, as I found out years later, was just out of school from a SUNY school out west).