I need a new job

yupp i think that was the only one that i had to fill out i dont remember tho


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SAM, if u dont know by now

PICS or ban

we wont say anything !

Hi Sam.

I’m Ilya. Nice to meet you.

As far as jobs are concerned…I applied at 64 places in 2006 when the economy was NOT bad. I only got 1 call back. And that was for BS retail jobs.

You’re going to have to dig deep…reeeallll deeeeeppp…

Good luck though.

Just drive to every place you’d consider and ask for an application even if they aren’t hiring. I did that for this company, didn’t hear from them for a month, then one guy quit and I got the call. Now my career is well under way and I’ve been here 3 years.

It depends on the job. I am in IT and right now, it’s brutal. There ARE jobs available, however, with people out out of work and a recession going on, companies can be picky. Even if the same # of jobs are available within the pool, there are more people trying to get it.

I am lucky as my company is making money and show no signs of not making money. But, we are cutting back and letting go of contractors and adhering to budgets more than ever.

Advice: Learn to interview well. Sell yourself and win the job.

Unfortunately, easier said then done.

Where was your follow up? Anytime I wanted a job somewhere after submitting an application or my resume I always followed up. Most of the time, businesses aren’t going to jump on the phone and ask you to come in for an interview unless they are absolutely desprite to hire you.

x2. With Albany International Corp. (my current employer) I was constantly emailing and calling them until I got hired.

Communication is key. It shows that you are interested in the position.

Yep. What harm is constantly e-mailing (not daily)? Shows interest.

x3 thats the only way i got my previous job, as for my current job…well i didnt get an interview or anything, guy came upto me and asked for my info and i was hired lolz.:thumbup

Yeah we’re still making money but we are cutting costs like crazy. Ex: No more computer purchases, no more phasing out of old PC’s and replacing with newer models, etc.

I was 18. I actually didn’t even apply for an IT job. I just applied to do paperwork. But the HR person saw my computer experience and sent me to the IS division and at that point, I knew I had a shot, so I interviewed extremely well over the course of the 4 interviews and sealed the deal.

I was just looking for a paper pusher job for $7/hr. I didn’t think I’d get lucky and nail this kind of job at the age of 18.

Now, if I had to apply somewhere else, I’d obviously do it the correct way with a cover letter, follow up, etc. That’s because I have the experience, confidences, and credentials to back it up. I figured there was no way in hell they’d give an 18yr old kid a job that some college kids can’t even get (kid I was interviewing against, as I found out years later, was just out of school from a SUNY school out west).

I’m George, the one with the welding shop on Central, countless Nissan parts and did Lambert’s Civic.

I saw a help wanted sign at Stewart’s on Central next to Otto Cadillac.

you guys are all idiots.

Sam your young get an unserious job that you can have fun with and meet new people your own age. Don’t take some shit job at a stewarts or pricechopper where your going to want to kill yourself everytime you go to work.

Get a job at a clothing store in the mall. When your young its fun to hang out with people your own age at a job. I worked at a few clothing stores when i was younger and it was a blast.

That’s because you’re a closet gay.

OP get a job working on monster trucks.

beer cart girl, world always needs more of those

Beer cart girls on golf courses make bank too.