I need a new job

Unfortunately, financial aid is dependend on you and your family. The gov’t considers you the primary responsibility of affording your own education. Therefore, if you were to see your EFC (Estimate Family Contribution) with $5K in your name vs your family, you’d notice that your EFC would be much higher if that $5K was in your name. It sucks.

x2. Dealt with all of that nonsense when I went to Siena.

Ha ha not when you are 24. Then your family means shit to them

I have no idea about my financial aid but when I filed it for spring they only looked at my moms maybe because I’m under 18 I don’t know though

I believe if you are under 18 it goes by how much your parents make. I could be wrong though, definitely wouldn’t be the first time :rofl

LOL, it’s Shift man…

As for a job, check out Pep Boys by Frank’s house, maybe the one after the underpass? Also, try someplace like RiteAid or Walgreens…

ooo so your cp?

Financial aid is based on your parents income until you’re 25 unless you’re married, in the service, or your parents are dead.

Thank you Benjamin Fuzzle


she doesnt look like cp in person…:down

I dunno, I read in this thread that BJ’s isn’t hiring, but for the record, I’m sure some on here do hire for BJ’s.

girl who is actually cp but doesnt look cp = still fun knowing your getting cp
girl who isn’t cp but looks cp = still fun thinking your getting cp
sex with a good looking girl = fun

Sex with pillowcase=down feather up in your shit

wait, what?



:lmao very true

who are you??

Did you fill out the FAFSA? I assume so. It’s a combination of you + your family.