I need a new job

hoffmans carwash. THATS where 99% of everyone from highschool worked

:rofl to this thread.

namly bennies posts. :rofl

Whoa! How did I miss this CP thread??

Apply with the Center for the Disabled! I just got hired a a nurse in one of the residential houses. They’ll train you and get you medication ceritfied!

If you want to be closer to HVCC go to career center ask for information on the work study program. Not much pay but it’s right on campus and an EASY job. I did that when I was in school there! I worked at the daycare and did the Biology Study Center for a while. also during the summer and winter breaks I did financial aid help stuff too. And they work around YOUR schedule!

Hope I helped!!

Do you have any single friends to hook me up with?

If so, please continue posting.

If not, I am going to have to ask you to please exit the forum via the X in the upper right hand portion of your screen and never return.

sorry chris you know most of the girls i hang out with and none of them like youu so your kinda sol on that one

o snap! lol

I have no idea who you even are :rofl

Goodd… Im friends with ashliegh and kourtney and all them

WIN :rofl

Why work at 17? It will cost you more in the end when you pay out the ass for college instead of receiving more financial aid.

Enjoy not working for awhile! Got all your life ahead of ya lol

I want to find a new job too. Unfortunately nobody good is hiring right now and/or paying even the shit pay Im making.


Calm down, calm down.


i need the moneyy i do get financial aid cause my mamma makes shitt

Check the paper? There is a lot of jobs in there, some good ones too (non retail).

It’s all about making yourself available to employers. Do what you can to be noticed.

You have no idea what you’re setting yourself up for with that avatar pic.

Fair warning… :rofl

ive had it up there before its old