I need some advice, tapped a lady's bumper what to do?

I’d respond with request for 3 quotes if her mechanic is in-line, agree to pay him directly with Visa/MC.

If the price is too high, agree to pay the average to the mechanic and she can pay to remaining balance.

Good Luck

i would almost say fuck it and take it through insurance.
thats just cause i am hard headed.

btw if the accident isnt reported in something like 48 hours is it no dropped?
im not to sure but i think so.

i hate people like that. im lucky the guy i rear ended was very kind and let me get estimates for his esclade lol

Thanks everyone, no she did not report anything yet (at least so she says). I will give some traffic lawyers a call to see if the 48hour thing is true.

Here’s an idea just get your car fixed if there is any damage and dont talk to her anymore, theres no way she can prove it was you anymore(unless witnesses).

im not a lawyer dude but ino you do have 48 hours to report for sure just call a lawyer to verify the rest . i tihnk this rule applies for some companies on insurance claims aswell. and for the police part if i was her i wouldnt go anyways because she could end up getting charged for failing to report.

This happened to me the lady was a total bitch she tried to get me for 2000. She said she has a mechanic and wouldn’t let any other shop touch her car.

I asked her well let me get a qoute at my shop cuz they might give me a better price for two cars, and then ill get a qoute for wo cars at urs too.

shes said no no way blah blah blah, my door is stuck my mother is sick i need a rental car. I told her to meet me at her body shop. And then walked up to her car and opened her door in her face and smiled I knew what was going on.

Then went to talk to the owner and see what the bill was for (this is a 92 honda civic) he tells give me this list which is a crock of shit and to paint the whole car. I laughed in his face the paint was so bad the car was only worth 2000.

I told them listen you can either bring it to my shop or you and ur bf can fuck ur selfves cuz im not gona get screwed by two fat fucks, I still have to pay to fix my car, and anyways this is why i have insurance isnt it? I much rather pay them then you. Also don’t forget your insurance is gona go up two when you repost this, so eat shit have a nice life.

Then i went to my body shop told them i need work and wanna put on a kit, he got good money from the adjuster and my car got done nicely. Insurance went up 400 a year. but i got over 4 grand from them, so 3 year im 25 it’ll go down and i got 4000 now.

I can’t imagine my self handing over money to people like that she wouldn’t even fix the car but rather just pocket the cash. I pay insurance for a reason, why am I gona let my self get scammed hard? It might cost your more in the long run and ur is for alot less, but i remeber how this felt and life is not all about money my friend. As long as your working and shit start telling her how it’s gona be. my 2 cents

ps. that 48 thing is bullshit i reported it after a week so becareful using it.

that happened to my dad exactly…
he lightly tapped the rear (of the car you dirty fucks!)
and the girl
asked for 1000…said that the frame was bent.
my dad got two of his mechanic friends to look at it and they said
that the paint was barely chipped.

long story short…
negotiated to pay 500 and not go through insurance… =(
its a good negotiation but still feel ripped off.

at the time her family lived right behind us and i checked her car like a month after and she didnt even bother to fix it.
the funny thing is that her car somehow got teepeed on halloween =D by some anonymous teens.

but bottom line is we still feel ripped off… if something like that ever happens again, itll go to court or somethin else

Negotiate it or pay for it.

There’s no agreement you can make with her that you could possibly take to court and say “Hey JP, I didn’t report the accident to my insurance (even though it is the law) but I made an agreement, with the lady, to hide it from the insurance companies. I know I broke the law, but isn’t my agreement with her binding?”

The Judge will laugh at you, and then say GTFO.

In regular term, you can’t use an illegal act as the basis for a contract. The illegal act is not reporting to accident to insurance, as required by the agreement you signed with the insurance company.

I know it sucks, but she has you by the balls.

she also didnt report it to insurance so you are both in the wrong as far as that goes, and whos to say she didnt hit you? spin that towards her, as awful as it sounds whos to say she didnt back into you, nobody called the cops, i assume theres no witnesses, its your word against hers

samson, its not true, it USED to be 48 hours or i actually think 24… but it HAS changed to 7 days i am 100 percent sure of this as i just finished all my training for OPP. lol so yeah man i donno… BUT… call her up dont let her do anything without you… try your best to negotiate… and if you have to… pay… pay… because it is NOT worth it over the long run… 800 is actually reasonable for a body shop to charge… i know it seems like a bumper is 50 bucks on son plus 150 for paint… but if this women wants to rip off her old one, throw on a new one, theres 400, plus labour theres another 200, plus 200 paint… it gets up there quick, give me a call man i’ll let you know what happened to me … something a guy who hit me thought was only 500 damage… turned out to be 5400 actuall cost with no buttering up… stricted replace and repair parts… so anyways good luck man… take the advice to pay… you dont want insurance and i know it sucks but its a hard damn lesson… i paid 800 to fix a door an a 91 buick worth about 400 bucks lol… the nicest part of his car is now the door that is rust free and blining when the rest is rust and crust, a perfect example.

if she wants to be a fucking bitch about it tell her your business will pay for it. Tell her they must write a check out to the mechanics. If she says no i want money tell her what difference does it make. If she says no i want cash then tell her i guess we have to go through insurance. Let it be known that her insurance will be raised as well and the value of her car will go down as well as the accident will be on car fax ect ect.
Most likely she will settle for less


  1. Call your insurance company , asked for claims …

  2. Give them a What if Scenario , Get all your questions answered.

(Do not give ur name or policy number )

Btw… does she have ur Plate number or Insurance information?

man , i saw show up to her with 2 options:
1: give her 1/2 the money
2: call the insurance company,

Bet she will take option 1 because even though you were at fault, her insurance will also suffer because she will be a at risk driver.
Who knows , maybe she doesn’t even have insurance

you guys are crazy, how does her insurance go up because she was the person that got hit?

if you are not at fault your premiums should not be affected

i did’nt read all the reply’s, but if you go through insurance she legally has to get 3 estimates whether she wants her mechanic or not.

My sister had to do this. Sucks to go through insurance but could save you money in the long run.

Sorry if this is on there already if so disregard.

rex thugs is dead on…

if she has not reported it tell her you’ll give her $250 or nothing… the lesson is now hers, not yours

Anything less then 700 doesnt have to be reported by law, and her insurance goes up because now she has a claim and that matter not to mention 1000-500 deductible.

////\ dude if you are not at fault WHY would you have to pay your deductible. No her insurance will not go up.

her insurance will go up too if she wants to go thru insurance. so let her know that, get an independent quote for bumper&labor and give her that money, if she wants to put some extra cash to upgrade repaint her whole car, or repair some other shit its her bizness. most likely she doesnt want to go thru insurans either. however its better to pay her than insurans. she can only scam a few hundred of you at most, but insurance is the mother of all scams, and will keep scammin u till the day u die, & it will amt to grands.

tru she’s gonna fuk u
either way your going to pay man.
sorry to hear that