Hey all,
So I’m looking to do this once more, and never again. I want the most serious, hardcore, intense garage floor epoxy that’s on the market.
PM ieatpaint…:tup:
I’m hoping he’ll just respond in the thread to eventually create a discussion on all the options…
By the way Luke, haven’t touched the MR2 in a while…will be doing so again starting in Dec…
joe with all the pitting any crap in your floor where the lift it id say you prob need to find a product to lay down first to get everything all level. then epoxy the floor with something a littlestronger
If someone finds what product to use to do this let me know…I’m interested in this also.
joe maybe you should post a pic of the spot under the lift? that way people know what your dealing with and can help from there.
Edit, http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3045 good idea or 2 in there to fix the pitting. yu fix that and i bet you will never have problems with the epoxy again
How have you been prepping the floor prior to application? I did the floor with 2 coats of the cheaper Lowes house brand epoxy 6 years ago and its still in great shape. My house was built in 1961 and the floor had old paint and oil stains all over. I pressure washed and used TSP 2 times and then did 2 treatments of muriatic acid followed by 2 more rinses with the pressure washer. Results and longevity are all about the prep work.
I have the same issue 91MR2 does that the current concrete is pitted and need something to level it.
Unfortunately nothing is forever. If you are set on epoxy you’ll need to remove whats there with a floor machine which u can rent from depot. Then fill your pock marks, honestly I don’t have any suggestions for which product to go with when filling the holes. Finally either acid wash and rinse or use the scarifier attachment on the machine. I have both water based and solvent based epoxies. I would suggest that if you don’t want the future peeling epoxy then just use a water based clear. Three coats initially, then every spring clean it and recoat. It will never peel, it protects the concrete, it’s solvent resistant and hot tire resistant. Also, don’t bother with prepping or coating the floor if it’s less that 60 degrees 48hrs from the application of the coating.
A neat trick to see if your coating will peel is come spring time, duct tape a 3 mil garbage bag to the floor in a 3’x3’ section and come back 2 days later to see if there’s condensation. If there is we guarantee peeling.
I used rustoleum epoxy shield that was SOLVENT based with the solvent based clear coat. Looks great and so far has stood up to lake of brake fluid and a hammer being slammed into it, its only 5 months or so old though lol, so we shall see.
I think it turned out pretty well:
All, thanks for the input so far…
I will post a photo of the floor as it sits right now when I get a moment…
JT76, any way I can swing by and check out your floor in person? I want to see it…
JT, how does the Rustoleum handle salt from the snow?
sure, i will be out of town until monday for the holiday, but i will be around next week. You will have to pardon the mess, there is an F body in pieces scattered around lol
Couldnt tell ya, havent had any snow yet. Regardless, i dont park my truck in the garage anyway. Actually, i never really open the big door in the winter. My garage is for toys only
jt’s floor looks great and even to touch you can tell its a strong coat(from coats i have done on shop floors)
Definitely would like to keep track of what is working for people here. Next year I’ll be doing my garage.
[QUOTE=jt76;3133207]Sure, I will be out of town until monday for the holiday, but i will be around next week. You will have to pardon the mess, there is an F body in pieces scattered around lol.
Sure, will catch you next week. Thanks!
Browse through that. It’s not cheap and it’s only sold to contractors (for the most part), but the quality and longevity of your floor will be spectacular.
If you want to know more, you can just call our sales office in N.J. (800) 541-5455. I don’t have an exact pricing chart, but they would. Since you’re local you could probably even arrange a local pickup (west seneca).
Again, it’s not cheap, but i’m pretty sure the floor coatings have a 40 year warranty (if applied by a trained contractor). The roof coatings are getting bumped from 30 years to 60 years…
how much did that cost you to do that much space? interested in what you did, it looks really clean and well done