I Need Your Help v. Cell Phones (for a good cause)

ok, the marketing class i am in for school kind of works like The Apprentice: the class is divided up into groups, and there is an assigned project. 1 team wins, 3 lose. The projects are real, and we work with real organizations for real causes.

That said, we are currently working with the Buffalo Zoo in conjunction with their ongoing Eco-Cell program. Eco-Cell is a non-profit organization that is currently working with over 70 Zoos and Aquariums in the US to collect used cell phones.

Eco-Cell is a non-profit organization that takes in old cell phones (working and non-working) and basically refurbishes them and pieces them together to get a working phone. they then distribute these working phones (with batteries and chargers) to various organizations to hand out so that less fortunate people can use them to call 911. In addition, any unused cell phone parts are collected are properly recycled.

Eco-Cell (though its sponsors and partners) gives each participating organization up to $15 per cell phone (once again, working or non working). The Buffalo Zoo is taking all of the money it receives from this program and is donating it to help save some kind of endangered gorilla and elephants in Africa (honestly, someone was talking near me in class and I didn’t quite get that whole part).

So, I am asking my fellow NYSpeeders, if you have any old cell phones, BROKEN OR WORKING, that you would like to donate to a good cause, please let me know! Obviously I want to do my part for my team in the project, but since this is all going to a good cause either way, I am all for it in that sense too. So, ask your family, friends, co-workers or whoever if they have any old cell phones (once again, they can be broken or working it doesnt matter) that they would like to donate. Please let me know if there is any way you can help out. If you have anything, I will drive to wherever to pick stuff up if it comes down to it.

Here are the websites for both Eco-Cell and the Buffalo Zoo if you want to know any further information on the cause. Thank you!


Ive got one you can have if you can wait 3 weeks till I come back to Buffalo

yes i can. i should prob mention that i have 4 weeks from today to collect everything.

That doesn’t really seem like a worthwhile effort. You also generally need service contracts to make cell phones work. Are they handing those out too?

any cell phone will call 911, service contract, sim card, or otherwise.

not for 911 calls.

I see. I suppose that’s a decent idea given how many people probably have old dead cell phones just laying aruond. :tup: I don’t have any though.

i didnt say anything buuuuuuuuuuuut…ask the UB police we had about 60-70 last time i checked we give them to an organization too , but might as well try.

i have an old ass mountain dew motorola pager.

damn… think i have 2, but i wouldnt be able to get them to u till the end of the month

Hmm I have 7 old cell phones lol

damn son howd u get so baller

if any of you guys would be willing to donate anything you have, please let me know! like i said, i’d be willing to drive wherever to get them from you (sorry skunk, im not driving to FL).




In true business style I reccomend you buy your success

our group is actually planning to go that route, but we would like to see what we can get donated first. we figure theres gotta be some willing people out there…maybe?

Do you still need phones?

I have one id be willing to donate but im in roch. Let me know

yes i do still need them!

Sherm, SubaruDan and Treads4Heads, i am sending you PMs

I know that most of the battered women organizations used cell phones also? I have 2 one old analog sprint one and a tmobile one that doesnt work. Just let me know and their yours.

ive got a semi-non working one for ya. the display is broken but still makes calls, etc. i go to UB and work in lockport, let me know what works.