I quit my job today

Company car??!

Congrats man!

Good shit sonny! Great luck with the new top secret super sound job!

congrats and good luck

trorag ? if so i want a ride


Nothing is super secret~! it’s a nice job with a large retailer… i’d hate to spew it all over the internet before i even start!

swartz… i am coming on board to help with a datacenter and organizational transformation project(moving the dc and their support staff)… i know a few of my initial tasks are vmware and scripting and the other basics that go along with a large scale transformation project…

basically i’ll do whatever is needed… hell, i’ll sweep the floors if i’m asked to!

HAHA!!! please!

we all know i’m all about over-spending on european cars… the closest i’ll come to a hybrid is youngwood!!!

:bowrofl: …

Sweet. Congratulations. I’m looking to do something very similar in the near future, hopefully it pans out.

Last 2 weeks are always a little awkward though, especially if you know/like any of the people you work with.

wow, congrats sonny
hit me up if ur still gonna be out this way today buddy


we will surely see…

slow, i’ll be around!


I really, really, need to get off my off and go find an internship somewhere.

well, if you do get a 'Reg, you had better go Diesel or go home.

:bigok: no question there…

Sonny I was worried with the first post…BUT not after reading further. GOOD LUCK I know you will do great…and yes I am jealous of your " BALLERness " :wink:

Congrats Sonny. Moving up and onward!

Hah…scripting and VM…two skills I’m totally lacking. I’m trying to teach myself VBScript. Not knowing how to effectively script will definitley hold me back if I don’t learn now.

Good luck, I’m sure you’ll kick ass. When you’re CIO somewhere remember me from Pittspeed and hook me up with a nice management position. :smiley:

congrats hope you like it.

good job Sonny. always quit when unhappy or bored. <—general rule of thumb. good luck with the new search

quiting is always fun. THe best is waving at the people stuck at your old job as the last day you walk out weeeeeee.

Comeover and play some Wii sometime.

Oh god, not more wii…All I hear right now is you screaming “god damnit! wtf!” at the tv :reloading