yesss just put him in the red

Dont think I ever had rep on these forums anywayl

True. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t know much and argue with people who do know a lot about cars.

Ive never argued to anyone about cars. You can ask krazykid

I admitted to knowing less than a three year old :smiley:

But I also don’t like to be labeled a terrorist

yah whatever yah terrorist

no response?

your a tool… there yah go

If you dont like being labeled a terrorist, dont outwardly state that you are muslim and then proceed to crack a joke about a recent terrorist activity that took place on American soil. You kinda dug your own grave there…

I don’t think many people take kindly to 9 11 jokes. Because a lot of us lost close friend’s and family with everything that happened. I honestly don’t care how much you know about cars. I drive a mustang too. But when I have questions about my car, I research it. Google is your friend. But when you make jokes about people losing family and friends you look like a dick. So as far as i care your a piece of shit. Neg mother fucking rep. :banghead

as my buddies big red and yetti would say,you are getting a real life neg rep.

Ever think that the only way I can get over a very close loss of mine own during the attacks is to think of it as a joke and try to laugh it off?

Being labeled a terrorist and being labeled “The reason for losing my best friend in the attacks” pisses me off

So honestly. I dont give a shit what any of you think. I am FROM NYC and was under 2 miles away from the attack when it happened and to find out who I lost during those attacks was hard enough. Forgive me for trying to play it off as if nothing happened

Word, there is NOTHING wrong with not knowing everything about cars. We’ve all started there at some point or another, and Im glad to help people that dont know shit.

I don’t think many people take kindly to 9 11 jokes. Because a lot of us lost close friend’s and family with everything that happened. I honestly don’t care how much you know about cars. I drive a mustang too. But when I have questions about my car, I research it. Google is your friend. But when you make jokes about people losing family and friends you look like a dick. So as far as i care your a piece of shit. Neg mother fucking rep. :banghead


I dont think I could ever laugh off my family dying, but maybe youre a little sicker than I am…


CAR is sold. Let this thread die

I’d say after the 9/11 comments lock this thread please.

If you are “laughing it off” to get over losing a friend you didn’t lose anyone. I never labeled you as anything. I never called you a terrorist. You made a joke out of something that is far from anything funny. So stop trying to justify it and apologize for the tasteless ignorant thing you said. I could care less what religion or race you are. But if i saw you say something stupid like that while you were standing in front of me i promise you i would make you regret it. Just letting you know. Grow up kid.

And him bringing up the 9/11 attacks to begin with is okay? And him calling me a terrorist is okay? Theres nothing with that?


Yeah? Of the 2,750 people that died with the population of New York being over 19mil… I’m sure “a lot” of us lost close friends and family… I’m jus sayin… 2,750 people is a very small fraction of the nys population…

It’d be hard for me to believe more than 3 people on this forum being able to step up and say that they knew anyone that passed away in the attacks.

With that being said, I think this kid is a huge retard, but its not fair to condemn him because other people brought this shit up to begin with. Yeah, lets call him a terrorist… lets pull the racist bullshit and get pissed off at him. Real fuckin cool…