2,750 directly impacted at that time, but there many more due to the war that followed shortly thereafter… So Im sure ALOT of people can say that they have negatively been impacted by the events in one way or another, me being one of them.

So that means give this kid shit because someone called him a terrorist and he joked about it? I’m sure he got A LOT of BULLSHIT just beacuse he’s muslim… he just got shit on this forum, an attack that can be triggered by racism, he laughs it off and makes a joke. So he’s the one given shit for it?

If I call you a child molestor and you make a joke about skull fucking a 2 year old… does that mean EVERYONE who has been molested or knew someone who was molested has the right to flip shit on you and tell you that you’re a piece of shit? Give me a fuckin break…

I agree with Cliff, but that Muslim kid is still a tool

Thank you, and I agree 100%. OP’s def. a dicknose, but shouldnt get shit for what just happened this past page and a half.

No. I also know that saying that shit can get you an ass beating. There is right and wrong in life (I keep saying this) and that’s just wrong.

Absolutely not. Again, that was poor taste. But, let’s drop it as nothing good can come out of it.

With that being said, I think this kid is a huge retard, but its not fair to condemn him because other people brought this shit up to begin with. Yeah, lets call him a terrorist… lets pull the racist bullshit and get pissed off at him. Real fuckin cool…[/QUOTE]

I never called him a terrorist. Or was racist at all. In fact I said that I could care less what religion or race he is. He said something that wasn’t funny at all so i told him it wasn’t. Thats all.

I did. lol

Cliff gets angry way too easily

Oh, I’m not angry. Not at all. But norwoods upset about something he’s making up in his mind and you’re upset about a war because you know people in the military. But guess what? Were they drafted? Did someone force them to join? Don’t think so… I’m certain it’s a personal choice that only that person makes. The only person in this thread that’s getting mad is norwood.

Im not mad at all buddy. Im just saying the kids a dumbass. And what am I making up in my mind?

On this wonderful forum there are already so many remarks and jokes that are in poor taste yet do not elicit any comments- so it would seem unfair to single this one out.

Not to mention, no one is in a position to clearly define what is actually “in poor taste” is because that’s a matter of opinion.

I wouldnt pay 10k for a brand new v6 mustang.

Then youde be stupid. Because if I can sell a beat up one for 10.7 means you can sell a brand new one for 15 or so. Which means youde make 5k profit in under a day.

Even a person who hates mustangs knows a good deal when it strikes them :smiley:

whats wrong wit bein racist ? steriotypes are in place for a reason

too soon?

Too soon?

bombs over Baghdad

this :thumbup

cliffs please??? wtf happened in here?

kiefr is a habib, he made a “joke” about 9/11, shift 518 retaliated, kiefr fails at life and should go swallow a double barrel