I think i am being ripped off by a board member!!


Was just guessing based on post count statement, and your affinity of car audio.

Wait, it cant be him he doesn’t have 1500 posts yet !!!

its ok just dont do it again :stuck_out_tongue:

what kind of dvd player was it?

let me guess, a JVC double din?



good detective work cuz i found this FTW!

can we fill in the blanks now??

uh youre only a couple hours behind…

i sold interceptor some stuff way back in the day. i give him props hope this shit gets strighten out. it only cost 15 buck for small claims court so go for it u will win.

Bad spot to be in, but i guess it needs to be said…

“buyer beware”

glw getting you $$$ back, if not, small claims ftw.

with anything over 100$ i buy off someone i make sure to test it before hand if possible

i dont feel sorry for people who buy things from EA residents

I just have to say this even though i don’t know you. You must look it over because its most likely takes you more than months to save that $100 working at mickey D’s

:picard: ea scammers are still around…

i dont work at mickey d,s so unless you know me shh,

I kid kid kid, kcuf scammorz

fuck, I live/d in Ea and never ever fucked anyone over here…come on.

ok ok, ill change my post

We need lowlyoilburner and Smaefer in here…

this is too bad. last i knew, it did work. this was being sold because the owner no longer owned a car that was compatible with the double din layout, not because it was broken. this wasn’t me or my unit, but as far as i had known, this was an above board sale, but i cant say for sure, since it wasn’t me. i hope this gets resolved.