I vote no more winter!

I took the day off, and took the Evo out for a spin and then washed it before putting it away again. I can officially say I am antsy, and I want spring to get here now! I hit 23 - 24 psi, hauled ass, and managed to kill one of those 335i bmw cars on a test drive that the employee must have said “race this guy, and see what this car has”, because he looked over, took off, and I got on it and killed him. When we got to the light, they didn’t even look over, they both just looked forward.

Anyone else as antsy as me to get out there and enjoy our summer cars?!? We still have like… 4 months to go :meh:


i’m just sick of shoveling 3-4 times a week. this snow has got to stop.

i wanna ride my bike. I wish i had an awd car that I could “take out” for the day. lol. :(… the south appeals more and more every day.

no, my car isnt even close to being done

i drive my summer car during winter lol :frowning:

I have awd and have certainly had some fun so far… but i really just wanna go ride my bike.

Agh, agreed. I HATE NY. :confused:

My a4 has been at a garage getting fixed for the last month and a half.
Fucking quattro with snows sitting. all winter.

btw, is it me or have pot holes been exceptionally bad this year, maple/nfblvd, and across from mcdonalds on the blvd seem to be HORRIBLE.

what gives.

fucking redick.

I think it has to do with that nice mini flood we got and then the fucking deep freeze

yes i want winter to leave, but i still got so much more to do on the stang i def am not ready to take it back out yet lol

Try taking Millersport highway out near the 990, or the 990 itself.

The goddamn holes in the pavement are huge.

The type that will bend the shit out of your wheel.

I was going to make a thread, but decided against it. I’m just worried about them “fixing” them with the tar snakes and shitty bumps, the roads are going to be NOT FUN come spring for a motorcycle.

I already have had the wrath of the potholes.

I was thinking the same the other day before moe’s will

God dammit I want to take the bike out!!!

It’s almost over. NOT.

I’m really excited for spring and my new whip if everything goes as planned… but the cackord is doing good for now, and I’m having a blast beating on it. but I’m sick of it not starting in single digit temps and all this fucking snow… my bro called me from vegas yesterday, says its beautiful and he went showboarding a few days ago haha. had to drive a few hours but he said it was def worth it. fuck this I’m moving to vegas

every day i drive my car in the snow i hate myself a little bit more… i want summer so i can clean this thing up! so many plans such shitty weather…

I have a small battery in the evo, and even tough it was 23 degrees, it barely wanted to start :frowning:

well seeing that the roush is in storage til at least april, i cant put on any of the mods that await it, so i am anxiously awaiting nice weather.