Seasonal Affective Disorder
I dont get annoyed till late Feb usually and then I’m typically gone for a week or two in March and then it starts getting nice. So, it’s not bothering me… yet.
Winter is my favorite season between hockey, snowboarding, and dorifting my beater.
I “get through” summer with my bike. lol
Im just officially sick of this weather. The snow just keeps on piling up and theres no signs of atleast any 40 degree days so some of it can melt.
well, you are still out doing pulls in sub zero weather in the M5.
fucking ginger.
shrug They have sub zero weather in Germany.
i bet the guy said to himself, “FUCK, i just lost to an evo, guess I better go bigger!”
your every salesman’s hero while giving a test drive.
i want to take my bike out soooo bad and fuck people that cant drive in snow or have shitty tires and get stuck in 2" of snow and people with 2wd pick-ups
who takes their bike out to fuck people in the winter? Thats what i used cruise night for…:mamoru:
When was the last time you drove it? or to you keep an isolator on it?
when i have my small battery in the same thing happens in like 40 degree weather… and i got it tested, good as new
i want it to be over…
i couldn’t care less about the car aspect, i just hate the cold and snow
I just cant wait to work with the doors open at the shop. It sucks being stuck inside all the time…
I’m about done with this shit too. I had to brush 6 inches of snow off my car tonight to go to dinner- I just drove the thing yesterday! Every damn day it’s the same story. Today was a warmer day- what was it 20 degrees? At least we have a plow guy and my cars both start at any temp, and I can back out w/o shoveling. RWD, Blizzaks, right out of a foot of snow no problem. I just move them around to the plowed spots.
I’ve got an AWD car and it doesn’t make me miss nice weather any less =\
if I didn’t have to take the plates off the fd for winter i’d be driving it everytime the road was clear. the stupid thing gets stuck in a 1/16th inch of snow though.
I saw two STis today and an evo yesterday, I’m pretty jealous of all season guys right now
Only antsy to get the Corolla running.
But I have a beat turbo legacy to get me though it all. <3
lol I hope not, my basement is going to flood again
Usually every winter I have a garage to work on my shit. this one I dont, I really cant wait to have warmer weather for that reason
i take the whip out when its kinda nice. this blows have not had a decent day in a while
HAHAHAHAHA I had that happen before as well…some subie wagon…it was funny
AWD>RWD in winter… congrats on your victory!
Ya i cant wait til spring too!!!