I was at Wegmans

I was at Wegmans late at night, old hag at the counter. I pick up a box of condoms and grabbed twinkies that were on the shelf by the register.

As she rings me out, she analyzes both items and says, " Looks like you have a long night ahead of you".


Moral of the story : I forgot the duct tape.


Some crazy people up there in Rochester.

who uses condoms these days? watta biatch

What Wegmans is this?

Dewey. Go in around 10ish, srsly. She’s putrid

whenever i would buy condoms i made sure to go to tops and use the self checkout scanner…

then i realized condoms are for fags, and stopped having the problem you now have.

waste of money
Condoms are several dollars cheaper at wegmans.

eBay for condoms.


is that because you stopped getting laid?

next time, get condoms, cucumbers, and vaseline

I got a friend to buy vaseline and a banana once :slight_smile:

This thread made me almost pee my pants from laughter…

you forgot to add beer and sleeping pills to that list haha

why goto the self check out… theyre condoms who cares… I usually get mine from walmart or target, so much cheaper there though i hardly use them anymore, having your girl on the pill is a beautiful thing.


Self-checkout FTW, no questions asked.

twinkie fucker, i just stopped caring what they think when i buy condoms, until they actually say it then its a little bizzar.

i make sure when ever i buy condoms i go in with a guy, and then sometimes talk kind of sexually with guy; just to make sure that the person who is checking us out knows that were pounding some vag that night.

or vise versa.


Was there hot girls at this wegmans?

Remember though,
Silver name tags= under 16
yellow means +18
and red means +21

if you were looking at silvers,…scumbag.
but if you were looking at yellows and reds… the :tup:

wow, never thought i’d see such a stupid thread in my life.