WNY Quality Markets to close

:fu: I have one of these right around the corner from my house. Great for buying beer, and super easy to find stuff. Just one less alternative to crazy high wegmans prices :frowning:

:word: they are great or a beer storeā€¦had a pretty big selection there and was nicely located right near the 290/90 :frowning:

It sucked when Jubilee shutdown in EA. I hate running through the giant Tops labrynth(sp) for a couple small items.

The Jubilee near me is super ghetto and I donā€™t have a Tops nearby. I can either drive to one or get bent over at weggies. :gay:

Seriously Tops in EA sucks a dick, the only bearable time to go grocery shopping is after 8pm.

they are probably the only tops that hires some decent looking girls though. Wegmans has a monopoly on all the rest of them.

I love wegmans

these are still around? I thought they were all long gone

I miss living close to wegmans

It was really writing on the wall. They havenā€™t been a viable supermarket for at least 10-15 years. They were good when they first took over the Bellā€™s supermarkets, they totally remodeled all the stores.

I used to be a vendor for magazines in Quality about 7 years ago. We had SEVERAL instances where they did not pay the bill, and they sent me to all of their locations to ā€œrepossessā€ the merchandise. Other big vendors were at the same location, loading up their trucks with their merchandise.

Wegmans is putting them under, and that is a good thing and a bad thing. Wegmans runs a super business. They are the best run supermarket in the entire country by far.

I think that Walmart opening up grocery stores around here has put the hurt on Quality as well, and Walmart runs a SHITTY grocery store. Even the generic ALDI takes business from Quality.

Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here and say that TOPS may be in trouble as well. They have too many grocery stores in this area for the population size. I am not a tops shopper, their prices are way higher than wegmans, and their stores are disgusting for the most part.

i MUCH prefer wegmans to tops.

I couldnt tell u the last time i was in a tops

Tops is definitely not more expensive than Wegmans. That place costs an arm and a leg for even basic stuff, and if you get into the prepared stuff forget it.

ive always found them pretty comparable for what I buy. And I love their prepared foods. Hell, I eat lunch there pretty often.

I hope they dont close the one in Ellicottvilleā€¦ its the only show in town

Sounds like my hometown Attica is going to not have a grocery store for 20 miles again.

BTW wegmans is NOT more expensive than tops/walmart. Their in-house stuff is usually 10% cheaper and 10000000000% more quality.

Gallon of milk normally $1.59 at Wegmans :tup: ā€” the deals are there just have to look around for them. I also tend to buy the Wegmans brand as opposed to name brand.

wegmans brand stuff is really good. their pasta sauces are the shit for a jar sauce

joe i have no idea how you can say wegmans is overpriced. where else can you get a huge fricking 14" sub for under $10?

Quality LOL, they actually had 24" super subs for like $9. But Iā€™ll admit I do like the wegmans subs and have gone there just for them.
You guys just must be buying different stuff than me. I generally buy mostly the same shit, and I end up spending $50-60 at other stores and $80 at wegmans. Their meat in particular seems to be super pricey, I buy a lot of steaks and things

their meat is typically better quality than other places.

Yeah I know the cashiers are hot, but most of them are underage.

waitā€¦ wat

hot and underage, not hot but underage. weirdo.