I was so embarrased!

Guys take my advice… Don’t fart in elevators!

Here’s what happened:

I was in Vienna (Austria) in this corporate meeting with like 15 other people all siting in the same room around an oval table and this meeting seemed to drag forever.

Now I got to blow a fart but I can’t there are people siting beside me and even if I make it into a silencer and they don’t hear it they will still smell it. (by the way farts stink so deaf people can enjoy them too).

The meeting finaly ends, I’m the first out the door and into the elevator I go, I’m in the elevator alone, I’m on the 10th floor, I press the G (ground floor button), the door closes and I let the biggest and smelliest fart rip. The elevator is going down and all of the sudden it stops on the 7th floor and the door opens! I’m like ohhhh crap!

This hot blonde walks in and I mean HOT! Now it just stinks! The doors closes and the elevators strats going down again, all of the sudden she flips out, she starts yelling at me in either Russian or Czec she presses the 4th floor button (next floor), the elevators stops on the 4th floor she exits and before the doors close she looks back at me and continues to chew me out.

I didn’t know what to do or say, I was so embarrased. I just played it out like it wasn’t me or like I didn’t notice the stench of fart linguering in the elevator.

The morrow of the story is “Don’t fart in an elevator because you never know when a hot chick could walk right in”.

that’s some funny shit. but next time you look at her and start chewing her out lol, act like shes the one that dropped that nasty bomb:)


hah, wow man, thats shit luck. But funniest thing i’ve read in days.

Be proud man… I would have done the same thing, except probably smiled at that beotch and scratched my package.

it’s like the elevator version of the dutch oven!

lmao, omg, that’s horrible, my lil’ brother has the worst gas, and i work with him, he’ll shit himself right at the bottom of my ladder, so i HAVE to go through it to get away, lil’ prick…

bahahahahaha that made me laugh out aloud!

i would have pretended it was her and yelled at her before she started.

gotta think on your toes sometimes lol