Farting in Public?

Would you?

Today this lady in her late 40’s came into my place of employment, and let one RIP. She was standing at the ATM, no one else was in the store, and out comes this terribly loud fart. She nonchalantly said “Excuse me.”, and walked into the bathroom. My co-worker and I just stared at eachother in amazement. Then she walked out like nothing happend.

I wasn’t sure if I should have laughed, or shook her hand. Like, did she seriously just blow a bomb out of her big ass, and think it was nothing?

it was nothing its just a fart.
I’m sure you and your lesbian lovers fart while you scissor.

This wasn’t just a fart. It was a loud rumbly thunderous fart.

all the time

It’s funny when someone accidentally rips a loud one in a quiet college classroom, because it proves that farts are almost as funny as they were in the 4th grade.

fuuuck yea…i have no problem tearing ass in a public place

its not like that broad pulled her pants down and layed a huge steaming pile of feces on the floor and used her hand as toilet paper…its a fart… i woulda clapped if i were in your place

senior citizens + farting in public go hand n hand. Most of the time I don’t think they even realize they farted. Nasty bastards.

its even better when it resonates the seat/floor.

lol I loved some of the stadium seating at UB. one of my undergrad pastimes included letting one seep out of my shorts and right into the back of a L.I. slut’s hair. ahh, college.

I’m going to go with no. I’m classy like that.

You and me both buddy.

i find it kind of odd when old men find it necessary to tear ass at the urinal. i mean come on, if you have to shit, the toilet is the closest you can get without using it, go fucking shit in there!

she probably shit her pants, why else would you walk into a bathroom right after?

atleast she didnt try to the good ol’ try and cough to cover up the fart but completley miss time it kinda thing, ive seen old people do that before

Everytime i go to a restaurant i always end up sitting near some old person that lets one go, apparently they have no control over it

The other day in class, I accidentally farted, and it wasn’t quiet. I was as surprised as everyone else. And then I pointed at a fat asian kid sitting in front of me, and everyone fell for it.


I’ve never understood the whole “If you have to shit” thing. I’ve heard that most of my life from various people.

If I had to shit, I’d go shit. I have to pass gas - they are mutually exclusive.

That said, what does the OP think the woman should have done? Prostrated herself and begged forgiveness? Sometimes it just sneaks up on ya.

What I find funniest isn’t the fart, its the fact that grown ass people get disgusted by it, as though it is a wholly unnatural act.

been there done that. vote hell yeah…

i do but i shouldnt.

:lol: I do at work,we all do.

LOL! out of no where I’m reading this thread and just did a one cheek lean…

Good gravy