I will do this before I die


Yup most definately.


a group of people at work, myself included, had a skydiving trip all planned out and ready to go…but then people started backing out due to money, and eventually it just never happened…but i’d love to do it, and definitely will one day

thats on my list of stuff to do in my life. :tup:

possible nyspeed group buy for skydiving lesson/jump in the making? :gotme:

I’m in! :tup:

ben there done that.


im down someone set it up ***ring ring ring ONYX ***

I would be in for this too

my aunt lives in florida not too far from a place that offers skydiving lessons and what not…my dad has gone there before to visit her, and they chill by the fence where the planes take off…and they say you can see people get in the plane, it takes off, a little while later, the peopel come down, then a bit after that, the plane comes down…

but there’s been some horror stories too, like the average death a week lol…

i guess one guy jumped, then the plane was just circling around waiting for them to land and get off the strip so he can land the plane…but he took a wrong turn somewhere and hit a guy that was just chillin in the air…took of the skydivers legs, and the diver bled to death before he could reach the ground…the chute was already deployed when he got hit, was a sitting duck…


This isn’t skydiving…

So cool. I’ve bungy jumped, reverse bungy jumped, and as soon as I drop a little weight I’ll be trying sky diving.

I think to do the “plane suit base jump” thing you’d have to be a real experienced skydiver first.