i wish i could take credit for this...

lolol, people that park like that are such dbags.

agreed, even the note alone would make them anal and think there are scratches somewhere

this lady at my work use to always take up 2 spaces until someone took their lipstick and wrote all over the windows of her car. i lol’d when i drove up and saw that but guess what she dont do it anymore

I hate when somebody parks off center in a busy lot so you have to do the same, but a little worse… then when come back to your car other people have left and you just look like an asshole because you’re in the middle of two spots and never intended it.

I am always sure to park nowhere near those people.

I’m talking about black friday, a ball game etc where you don’t really have that option.

if someone is parked over the line and I’m in my jeep i’ll try to park as close to them as possible to the point where they cant open their door. I have 1/4 inch steel rocker guards so if they tried to open and hit my jeep i really wouldn’t care.

and dont say its b/c my truck a POS because its probably one of the nicest jeep you’ll ever see being beaten to hell. Why make it look off road capable without using it for that purpose