they did it to make a point…i guess they did…yo clean it up i guess it needs to have harsh penalties
i guess…but honestly i could see very harsh retaliation against cops
i could see impounding it and auctioning the shit off but if i saw all of my money and hard work crushed in front of me i could guarantee some sort of retaliation
here is my take. honda/acura parts are hot on black market. hence why these are the most stolen cars. 95% of the ignition switches for honda/acura i sale at work goes to cali. everything from 90-93 accords to new civics/rsx’s.
so this tells me that teh insurance companies are crackign the whip too. if he was a smart theif, he would have put a legit vin tag on the engine or tranny.
now if they bought parts in good faith, and have a legit receipt, then i think they should be cut some slack. but no receipt/bought it at a swap meet wont cut.