i7 for 199.99

I thought this was an awesome deal and pretty tempted to pull the trigger. Just an fyi for those who have been waiting for the i7 920 to come down to a decent price.


How would one of these compare to say…an AMD 9950 black?

edit- bit more reading shows its gotta be instore pick up for the price to drop. Still an awesome deal

ya, I was just going to point that out. They had a deal like this a couple months ago, but it was $230. I actually had a guy from the EVGA forums pick one up for me and ship it. He lived right next to a Micro Center, and we are 4-6 hours away from the nearest one I believe. Saved money and he was able to pick through a bunch of them and get me the batch that I wanted. If you want, I can give you the guys name. Hes trustworthy. Just throw 15-20 bucks his way afterwards + cost of cpu/shipping and he’ll gladly ship it out to ya. PM me if interested. It should still save you 50 bucks or so from newegg or tigers prices.

Please do