IC: DRIFT MANIA - Toronto - Aug 15/16

Toronto event… its a big deal… the biggest and baddest drift competition for hours in any direction


there is a Drift-Ops amatuer comp as well. If you have a suitable car you can qualify.

Friends are cooridinating the event / show portion. Is there insterest in showing up in a NYSpeed / Son240sx capacity?

i had a booth there last year… thousands of people… i want to set up a booth again.

bing u know nobody drifts around here silly

Definitely looking into this… have to see how work pans out, but seriously interested.

Gonna drift the Boxster?

The only car of mine that drifts is the e30 :stuck_out_tongue:

Wuss. lol

even for the amatuer you better know what you are doing.

all the S1DC guys compete in the amateur and they are pretty good. there will be a dozen dudes in the amatuer that are only in there because they dont have the dollars to compete in the Pro.

Just for clarification - I meant I was interested in spectating, not participating.

ah yeah… do it.

Maybe I’ll trust the CA enough by then to make the journey up there.

Cousin’s wedding :frowning: sounds like it would be a good time though

ill deff be there for both days

Are there any relevant vendors on NYspeed that would be interested in this event?

i will be reserving some space, upwards of 10 x 30, and i only need half or less of it.