ice this weekend??

all the snow melted and then froze…it wouldnt be good for studless quads.

Shit. That sucks.

I want to ride somewhere tomorrow.

lots of ice on lake george? were people out on it? i was planning on going to lake george tommorrow with my father, but if people are riding on round lake i may go aswell. i dunno yet.

lake george has 16" of ice…like I said, their was over 2000 people there today…place was PACKED…prolly a good 500+ cars/trucks/trailers parked out on the ice as well…its going on tomorrow also but me and my buddy are heading over to round lake…my mom said round lake was packed today.

I might head up there if Ive got nothing else to do.

round lake was hoppin, I’m on my way home right now and I’m gonna head back up with the quad around 2.45-3… Wanna head out there Paul?

Ill consider it.

yah I was out there most the day…just got back a little while ago…

everyone that has been going to wagers is now going to round lake…

Cool. Maybe next weekend then.

I had a few things to do around here and its getting closer to dinner time now.

is this guy for dinner

No, Im not into Sean or any other guy for that matter

come on he looks like fifal the mouse

Im not into beastiality either

Lake george was fun as hell, Ive never seen somany quads and sleds in one spot before haha… My bro came up from NJ and we loaded up the quads and went. Nobody bothered us for no registration wich was good.

That many people were up there??

easily over 100 quads and sleds on the lake… Not counting the ones that were actually in the races

Damn, thats pretty intense! They doing it again next weekend??

Cars are racing on the lake next weekend. i dont know if theyre gonna have quads out like yesterday, either way im going up there next sat. If no one is riding on the lake ill just leave the quad in the truck and watch t he races

Also, i dont have studded tires and had no problem riding on the ice, Hard to get going in some spots, but nothin major

Yeah its ok w/out studs. What im used to lol

I think were supposed to get some more snow this week so that might work out better for us guys without studs.