Id be willing to bet the GF did this

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:13,topic:39259"”]

Why bother? $10k for that and it is going to need another $7K in work and still never be correct? Just buy a better one and be done with it.


a roof skin, front roof header and some bolt on panels are 7k ?

roof panels are pretty cheap, as they usualy take only 2 or 3 press operations to create, fenders and doors are much more tooling intensive

a proper repair on that car is easy, and everything would seal fine

I’d def. say the GF did it.


a roof skin, front roof header and some bolt on panels are 7k ?

roof panels are pretty cheap, as they usualy take only 2 or 3 press operations to create, fenders and doors are much more tooling intensive

a proper repair on that car is easy, and everything would seal fine


Have you ever boughten something thinking it’s going to cost $1,500 to fix and it ends up costing $3,000? Same thing here, you are going to end up being in deeper then what you think, probabally double. You also have to factor in time for paint and prep. In the end, you have a salvage title car, you put in $X,XXX plus the purchase price, and wasted XXx hours for what, something that will never be “right” and cost as much as one that did not have a tree fall on it? Sign me up.


I’d def. say the GF did it.


She must be one big bitch to cave the roof in like that. That window piller is strong enough to support the weight of the car when it rolls over.

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:23,topic:39259"”]



I’m fully aware of everything you have to factor in. i did this shit for a living.

this is pussy shit right here. if you cant get it right the first time using new panels you should probably stop trying to do body work altogether

Except, if all it needed were new panels it would be going up for sale and probably fixed by insurance or the owner. My bet is the a pillar on the passenger side or a bit of the roof is actually bent enough to make a panel-only fix not possible.

Edit: it also looks like the passenger door doesn’t exactly close perfectly…

yea those panels are available also

and putting the originals back where they belong isnt that damn hard either… its not like the car was rolled @ 90mph

fucking christ people

Buy it then?

Tree my ass! Its pretty clear to me someone was jumping on the hood.

  • 1 for GF or some girl he was fucking’s BF