I need some opinions

Ok here’s the deal, toward the end of January, my younger brother, his girlfriend and another friend were at my parents house using the hot tub. I also store the RX-7 im my rents side driveway next to the house under a car cover. My brothers friend got out of the tub to go to his car for something and instead of going through the house he decided to jump from the patio over the grass to the side driveway. It is about a 3.5 foot jump. It was cold and the concrete was slippery and he slipped and used the drivers side front fender if the rx7 to catch his fall. Now there is a big ass dent (6"x10" oval) The sheet metal is creased and the paint is cracked pretty badly. He manned up and called me the next day and said he did it and said he would pay to have it fixed. So instead of totally fucking him over and taking it to a body shop and getting all the work done, i decided to order the fender from malloy mazda in virginia at a discount price. Then i would mount the fender myself and then get it sprayed to match. The fender ended up costing $215 shipped and i dont really know about paint yet. I called him 2 weeks ago and told him to have the money ready this week. I told him when i got the fender in this thursday i would trade him $215 for the invoice from mazda and then get back to him about the paint in a few weeks. He agreed to this this afternoon, I call him later this evening and now he says that his mother said that my parents should claim it on their homeowners insurance and he’s not paying. Any ideas??? Sorry for the long, drawn out story.

he did it, he confessed, therefore he should pay IMO.


thanks, this is what i feel too, so bright and early tomorrow morning i will be talking to Mr. Attourney.

I don’t think you can claim your brothers stupid friends mistake on your home owners… :roll2:

Call his parents directly and tell them you talked with your insurance provider and they don’t cover it. Then if they still say they won’t pay, tell them you filed a police report the day it happened before you found out their son did it, and if they really want to you’ll send the police over to ask him about it. See if they call your bluff…

inflict pain until reciept of payment

So evil I like it. :tup:

x2! That should definitely work, lol.

Even if you could claim it,you wouldnt want to.

Raised Rates (possibly)

Thats not worth it.Tell him that if he doesnt pay up,your going to…

make his ass pay, you didn’t tell him to jump into your car lol

:word: what jon said…
He damaged your vehicle, he is responsible for it.
You could put it on your homeowners but my guess is if you are doing it yourself the deductible will be about what you are paying to get it fixed.
He fell on your car by doing something stupid… he should pay… afaik he is required to pay… get him arrested on vandalism charges or something then…

well, its a bit late for this, BUT FOR FUTURE REFFERENCE…when u talked to him about paying for it, you should havewrote something down on a piece of paper that stated that he agreed to pay for all the dammages. then had the both of you sign it. that way, he would have no choice but to pay u for it because he signed his name to something saying he would cover it. im assuming he is over 18. if not then have his parents sign the thing.

since you didnt do anything like this, i would say talk right to his parents and tell them that thier son agreed to pay you for it. if need be go and do what onyx said, but i would consult an attourney first and see what he says to do. i would also make it clear to your attourney that this is a friend of your family and you really dont want to take them to court or anything, and all you want out of it is just to get your car fixed. otherwise thye will be ready to take them to court and everything jsut so they can make money. just my .02

I had actually considered it, but he’s 20 he should be a man about it and quit whining about something he fucked up on. I’m gonna see what my attorney says tomorrow morning.

Two words: Judge Judy. U can get the kick out of her making him feel like a retard for doing it.

isn’t her court in california? it would be fun but i really dont have that kind of time, West Seneca small claims court will be hassle enough.

take him to small court.

bring a whole bunch of his buddies to see if he balls up to lie in court.

he lies and u lose, fuck his ass up.

I’m trying to keep it non-violent for now just for the simple fact that i have neither a concience nor a soul so if it does get violent, it will be very ugly.


shit, just man up and pay it

fuckin’ retards

was it one of tough’s friends? if so, who was it? lol

edit–taylor that ass lol. he’s a good kid though so i’m sure he’d pay you no matter what his parents say. just talk to him and forget about his parents even being mentioned.

just tell him to start delivering more pizzas and get your money to you asap…