Identify this spider... *PIC*

that sure looks like a brown recluse to me

when i was down in texas we were all warned about them, they are effing nasty, you dont want to be bit by one, i would take my chances with a black widow bite over a brown recluse bite

they aren’t very common around here, but they are certianly up here

anyone know what type of spider this is–
i saw a bunch of them last year (not around here though) and i didnt know anything about them

i remember on one of those lists of random facts once that you never, ever, on land, are more than like 7 feet from a spider…

pretty creepy…so wherever you are now…withing 7 ft of you is one of these things…

i personally think they’re cool as hell, i grew up watching the discovery channel…cool shit :tup:

esp. the Tarantulas that burrow in the ground, rather than make a web…and eat BIRDS…now that’s a fuckin big spider…


I can tell you exactly what kind of spider that is…

its a blurry one.

to spin off adam’s post, when i was at keesler air force base (mississippi) for my job training…a brown recluse got into someone dorm room…bit the4 fucking kid right on the top of his head…the guy went into shock and needed to be rushed to the base medical center…

after this happened they briefed us they told us the kid had surgery to get the eggs out of the kids head…i guess the spider laid eggs in the bite…kinda funny…lol

the best part had to be when the airman got back into training after surgery…he had a white bandage on his head and had to carry an umbrella so the sun wouldnt disturb the wound…lol

Also, when our unit went to Egypt, they all encountered problems with Camel Spiders…these fuckers were crazy…they eat meat and all…

here are some pics of them

and the bite

Camel Spiders suck too.

They are big. They aren’t poisonous. And are only found in the middle east.

But i would shit my pants if i ever saw one.

thats mc pee pants

hey mr. beck…check the pics i posted

fcuk thats nasty

when i was in equador one of the MP’s got bit on the cheek by a brown reclouse.

he let it go he didn’t think it was a big idea til it was about an inch in diameter, they had to send him to Quito for surgery (quito being not one of the nicest places in the world, it is ecuador after all, and crime like noooooo tomorrow).

i think by the time he got on the table for something to happen it took over almost half of his face

sonofabitch!!! no more spider pics, i’m done with this thread (permanent willy’s)

last summer i caught a huge mam jama and put it in a 3liter bottel. i raised it as a kung fu fighter it was undeffeted with several bees, a hornet, a grass hopper and this thumb sized black criket. it was sweet. then i let him go… hes still out there lurking…

Here you go.

i just killed a spider on my wall lol… bout the size of a penny

Ok between the camel spider and the huntsman spider i just shat myself twice, now im going to bet and im gonna wake up every 10 minutes thinking that i am gonna get eaten.

brown recluses tend to hide in well reclusive spots like cupboards and stuff. They like dark areas mostly. You can find them in bed sheets, around dark cupboards high up etc. If you are bit by one your flesh will rot to the bone.

i’m moving to canada

^^ your a dick head.

^im withthis guy…all you have to worry about in canada is crazy french people and mooses’'there fucking big as hell

This thread is creeping me the fuck out! How about this spider, found in my friend’s garage. I checked everywhere and I can’t seem to find out what kind it was. Anyone know?

but its true… the toxin makes the flesh start to decay… and decaying flesh like gange green kills the cells next to it… thus growing and killing more flesh rapidly… its like cancer at a bad ass fast scale

i heard they have flesh eating bacteria in their venom and that is what eats away at your skin if you are bit?? can anyone verify this?