Identify this spider... *PIC*

Although they are fairly dangerous critters, Brown recluse’s aren’t supposed to be found around here. :gotme:

this site says they are :shrug:

ID’ing and misID’ing brown recluses
More ID/Mis ID brown recluses

1- check the map at to see if you live in an area that is supposed to have recluse spiders. If you do not live in any of the colored areas in the map, then it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you have a recluse spider. It is POSSIBLE but incredibly unlikely.

looking up spider ID’s on teh world wide web, ah the irony :rofl:

Use your feet to jerkie jerkie?

That spider is a pussy, we say this fucker at rally-x and i still have not been able to find out what kind it was but I still stand by the theory that it ate redrocket’s transmission.

The snack you can see in the pic is a grasshopper about the size of my thumb that shows how big that fucker was

^You should have given it a kiss :eekdance:

Rob, I’ve seen one of those on my Grandfather’s farm before.

It was the size of my fist. Still gives me the willys just thinking about it.

i hate spiders, they just scare the shit out of me.

Word, i had no clue there were spiders that big around here. I thought he somehow found his way from the amazon.

I wouldn’t want to see first hand what that thing can do to your skin if it does manage to bite you.

dude. if it’s brown recluse…you better stay away from it. lol.

My co-worker tried to feed him a pair of carpenter ants, no dice. This morning they’re still happily running around, regurgitating into each other’s mouths and what not.

I need some damn crickets.

That my friend is a golden orb spider.

That my friend is a small golden orb spider.

i saw one once…was as big as my hand…easily.

We’ve probably all seen them in florida. the ones that reside in florida look like this:

I would be glad if all those sipders DIAF. They freak me out.


The only ones I can kill without issue are the little red ones you see walking around on the porch.

ewwww…i cry when i see spiders.


i’m tearing up just looking at it. The thing must come out of the computer and eat me.

as long as we’re on the spider topic…i’ll show some shots I took while in Costa Rica last year.

about the size of a quarter:
About 6 inches (with a baby spider on its thorax):

If anyone was going to buy eclipse girl a birthday present, I can probably save you some loot.

:wtf: that’s insane, imagine waking up in the middle of the night to see that thing crawling on your chest.


the hour glass is so tough.