:lol Even though I suck at swimming[I can swim just not the greatest:rofl]
I fucking hate the water, love the beach, hate the water. Didn’t go in our pool once last year.
Only the Transformers can care what people say about their cars. Because they ARE the cars. :eek2:eek2:eek2:eek2:eek2
i know your joking but :wtf haha…nothing rice has happened yet
i just had rice… it was good too
Shut up, don’t ruin the otherwise informative thread. :shifty
yea we dont need any opinions from you ya scam artist
uh oh…did someone just get called out? :number1
lock 1
no lock now, they have to be 3 in a row
lock 1, again.
Ill go all night
wait, i dont care, im going to bed.
lock 2
lock 3
Benny WTF.
Party pooper.
lock 1 :ninja
k sry
get outta here
power is a hell of a drug